alignined/floating <div> tags - Printable Version
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alignined/floating <div> tags by DJKAL on 05-18-2006 at 08:39 PM
again another problem
i have my <div></div> tags set up and that is ok, for the main one atleast.
i have used HTML to center it to my webpage. all is ok here.
but when i try to add one to the right of the page, se to float to the right of the page it renders ok in firefox, though ni IE it causes one of the tables to be pushed across towards the other side.
my CSS is:
width: 200px;
border-style: groove;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #fc00ff;
float: right;
and the others have no float commands btu are using the <center></center> tages to position them
how can i get it to render proplerly in IE?
(i attached a screen shot - i saved it as .gif to save download time - that's why it's crap quiality )
RE: alignined/floating <div> tags by stoshrocket on 05-18-2006 at 08:54 PM
whats the CSS code for the table??
RE: alignined/floating <div> tags by DJKAL on 05-18-2006 at 08:57 PM
for the table?
i used 3 div tags. the bit where it says copyrgiht of... is just another <div> tag with no spacing