
Help! Log Files! - Printable Version

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Help! Log Files! by ohsmajorette08 on 06-11-2006 at 01:22 AM

I encrypted my log files and now I cant remember the there a way I can get to them without it? Please help.

RE: Help! Log Files! by Supersonicdarky on 06-11-2006 at 01:28 AM

no there isnt, there have been numerous threads like this


RE: Help! Log Files! by ohsmajorette08 on 06-11-2006 at 01:55 AM

Well, is there any way I can remove the encryption? If I uninstall Plus! will it take it off then If I install it again will they stay unencrypted?

RE: Help! Log Files! by CookieRevised on 06-11-2006 at 01:59 AM

No, as said, there is no way to unencrypt encrypted log files unless you have the correct password.

(if there was another way, encrypting your logs would be a useless feature)
