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Doesnt Work !? by Sc0rpion on 06-25-2006 at 01:16 AM
I installed Windows Live Messenger & !Plus...
But no one of the functions work that means sounds and everything else
I can see all of the functions but somehow they dont work.
Thx 4 Help
// sorry 4 my bad english ^^
RE: Doesnt Work !? by Mnjul on 06-25-2006 at 01:18 AM
Hello sc0rpion,
Would you like to try to explain more on what you mean by sasying "they don't work"?
For exmaple, open a conversation window and type "/syawn". Do you here someone yawning after sending this command? 
RE: Doesnt Work !? by Sc0rpion on 06-25-2006 at 01:33 AM
well maybe its better if I show you a screenshot.
Here ive made a summary. "hdm" for "Maaan Halt dein Verdammtes Maul!!!"
if I write hdm, still coms hdm
and if I type "/syawn" it comes nothing... in the Chatwindow, there stands "/syawn" and thats everything.
RE: Doesnt Work !? by soXfoR on 06-25-2006 at 02:15 AM
Happens the same to me, and even if someone sends me a sound, appears there /...... and no sound plays. 
By the way: WLM 8.0.0792.00 Portuguese, WinXP SP2, and i've also used messpatch
I also dont have the plus 1100 chrs in chat messages
RE: Doesnt Work !? by fp115 on 06-25-2006 at 03:59 AM
You know I am a programmer myself and trying to figure out what is going on, it seems to work fine on my computer or my other computer upstairs. I have tried editing the hosts file on the the 3 computers for which it doesn't work.
Now what is happening, MP!L does load, you can setup the preferences, however in chats you cannot send any commands nor receive anything. Chats don't log, nothing really happens except for MSN being there. If you press the 3 plus buttons on the chat window you get no popup, it just presses down and that is all.
If only I had a debugger or there was some sort of way to remove the error handling.
My thoughts are some sort of library file is missing or its something totally irrelevant to the computer's setup and more an other smaller program that interferes.
The computers are running XP Pro, SP2 with no style addons, Norton for an anti-virus and all times being disabled during install and for my current tests.
RE: Doesnt Work !? by soXfoR on 06-25-2006 at 01:16 PM

Btw, I've uninstalled it completly, reinstalled and now everything is working. 
Windows Live Messenger 8.0.792 PT
Messenger Plus! Live 4.0.235
And now I'll try to apply the mess patch.
Applyed the messpatch and its working fine. 
Hope if you do the same as I, you can abuse from the new extension. 
RE: RE: Doesnt Work !? by Sc0rpion on 06-25-2006 at 01:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by soXfoR

Btw, I've uninstalled it completly, reinstalled and now everything is working. 
Windows Live Messenger 8.0.792 PT
Messenger Plus! Live 4.0.235
And now I'll try to apply the mess patch.
THX now everything works !!!
RE: Doesnt Work !? by killfil on 06-26-2006 at 04:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sc0rpion
I installed Windows Live Messenger & !Plus...
But no one of the functions work that means sounds and everything else
I can see all of the functions but somehow they dont work.
Thx 4 Help
// sorry 4 my bad english ^^
i have the same problem and I#ve uninstalled and reinstalled, but it doesn't work.
RE: Doesnt Work !? by soXfoR on 06-26-2006 at 04:11 PM
Try to uninstall, reboot and then reinstall. That was what i did.