
Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds - Printable Version

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Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds by French Jo on 06-25-2006 at 09:28 PM

Hello erverybody !

I do not know if the problem has already been said, but I write a new thread.
I'm going to wrtite my whole problem...

So, I have installed WLM and MP! L today ; however, I have absolutely no access neither to emotisounds nor to the colour pannel ; to those 3 buttons in fact :

[Image: capture23wa.png]

When I click them, nothing happens except the Windows error sound (like when you press an unvailable touch). Even when I select "insert an emotisound" in the "Plus" menu, nothing happens.

To finish, I don't manage to see nickname colours, neither mine, nor the others'.

To answer the questions you're probably going to ask me, yes I've re-downloaded both setups and re-installed them 8 times !!! What is sure is that my versions (The official versions) are good, because I gave them to a friend of mine, and his perfectly works.
However, they don't work neither on my computer, nor on my father's computer.

Could you please help me, you would be really nice... I do not know what to do...

PS : I'm really sorry for the mistakes I probably did, but I'm French !!!

RE: Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds by matty on 06-25-2006 at 09:31 PM

Already reported : Anyone having this problem please post in here

RE: Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds by Voldemort on 06-25-2006 at 09:33 PM

Yes, people are saying on the other thread that they deleted the WLM and Plus! Live folders AFTER uninstalling and reinstalled and it worked...

RE: Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds by Patchou on 06-25-2006 at 09:50 PM

Please send me an email to and we'll work on that together (you can speak french in your email).

RE: Bib Bug with Nicks & Emotisounds by French Jo on 06-26-2006 at 09:18 AM

Thanks a lot. My e-mail has just left ; I'm now waiting for your answer...