
Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? - Printable Version

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Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by EernieScar on 07-13-2006 at 03:42 AM

I hope so, and i hope it comes out soon because MSN just sucks without Plus! I am still using MSN 7.5 and i am waiting for a Plus! compatible with Live messenger

I love your product (Y)

RE: Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by andrey on 07-13-2006 at 03:47 AM

it's already there :p

a few features from Messenger Plus! are missing in this version of Messenger Plus! Live, but most of them will be re-added in later versions

RE: Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by RaceProUK on 07-13-2006 at 09:42 AM
has more info about some of the 'missing' features in MP!L, especially an explanation about dropping Custom Names.

RE: Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by EernieScar on 07-13-2006 at 04:28 PM

Thanks! i thought there wasnt one yet and i was mad

Now will there be the same plug-ins to use for this one? i really like the old plugs!

RE: Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by Sunshine on 07-13-2006 at 04:53 PM

The plugins have been replaced with scripts, you can find several already on

Originally posted by changelog on [url][/url]
  • The old plugins interface from Plus! 3 has been replaced with a brand new scripting interface. The scripting engine makes it easier for everybody to write their own add-ons (providing you know JScript, documentation is provided).
  • The new scripting interface is provided with a comprehensive documentation, samples (scripts created by beta testers which are already available in the online script's database) and gives you more than 150 functions/properties/events to interact with Windows Live Messenger, all without having to compile your project from anywhere but Messenger Plus! itself. If you're a developer interested in creating your own Messenger add-in, now is your chance to show off your skills!
  • Old plugins can't be loaded anymore but previous plugin developers are encouraged to use the many new features of the scripting interface to improve their previous add-on.

RE: Will There Be A MSG Plus for Windows Live Messenger? by EernieScar on 07-13-2006 at 09:48 PM

awesome--- :D:D:D:D
damn u guys are helpful