
I have a quick comment. - Printable Version

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I have a quick comment. by Hangan on 07-13-2006 at 04:00 AM

This is just concerning the /msg and /invite commands would it be possible to bring back the ability to type names instead of email and the little box thing because i really did rely on that thing alot >_<;

RE: I have a quick comment. by user27089 on 07-13-2006 at 06:50 AM

Patchou hasn't said anything about bringing back this feature. Chances are that it will stay as emails only. As far as I can remember, this feature has always been emails anyway, not custom names or nicknames :s.

RE: I have a quick comment. by Hangan on 07-13-2006 at 02:58 PM

you used to be able to press ctrl to switch between email and names/custom names

Just adding to this that after typing /invite or /msg if you hit space and waited a second a box would pop up. That's what I was talking about when I said you could switch between email and names/custom names with the ctrl button

RE: I have a quick comment. by Patchou on 07-14-2006 at 01:22 PM

omg, there's one guy who discoverred this option! :)

I'll add the helper window back eventually, that's on the list.

RE: I have a quick comment. by Hangan on 07-14-2006 at 08:08 PM

Thank you its much appreciated!

RE: I have a quick comment. by mark_roeling on 07-17-2006 at 10:24 AM

Yes! Yes! Found it on the forum, AND Patchou is adding the feature!