
Event xml wrongly written - Printable Version

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Event xml wrongly written by ray77 on 07-26-2006 at 07:16 AM

i'm using messinger plus lie ( om windows live messenger 8.0(build 8.0.0792.00)
I'm using the feature to get allerted of pop3-account emails.
The problem is, that when you open the xml-file in iexplorerer, it says it misses the end-tag of <origin>
But in fact it is the tag <POP3-account> that misses the end-tag
This causes the event-log to be unreadable by anything that reads xml-files

the line that is wrong is this:
<Event><Type>ExternalEmails</Type><DateTime>2006-07-26T09:06:41+01:00</DateTime><Origin><POP3-account> (</Origin><Description>Nieuw aantal e-mails: 6</Description><Data></Data></Event>

In previous versions the line was like this, which was good:
<Event><Type>ExternalEmails</Type><DateTime>2006-07-02T19:08:24+01:00</DateTime><Origin>POP3-account (</Origin><Description>Nieuw aantal e-mails: 25</Description><Data></Data></Event>

RE: Event xml wrongly written by RaceProUK on 07-26-2006 at 12:04 PM

Did you add the '<' and '>' in the relevant bit in Preferences?

RE: Event xml wrongly written by ray77 on 07-26-2006 at 01:34 PM

I didn't add any characters anywhere.
All events of messenger plus are added to the event-log.xml  and in this new version messenger plus suddenly puts the tag-brackets around the pop3-account.
I don't know why, but thta would be fine, if the pop3-account tag would be closed before the origin close tag

RE: Event xml wrongly written by CookieRevised on 07-27-2006 at 10:38 AM

Originally posted by RaceProUK
Did you add the '<' and '>' in the relevant bit in Preferences?
has got nothing todo with preferences.
Originally posted by ray77
The problem is, that when you open the xml-file in iexplorerer, it says it misses the end-tag of <origin>
But in fact it is the tag <POP3-account> that misses the end-tag
This causes the event-log to be unreadable by anything that reads xml-files
Actually there is no <POP3-account> tag at all; it doesn't exist, so the log in itself works correctly as nothing needs to be closed.

However, the real "bug" (I don't quite wanna call this a bug) is in the way Plus! writes strings to the log it seems. It writes them literally without converting special characters to HTML entities.

The string which is written to the log is "<POP3-account>".  Plus! should write "&lt;POP3-account&gt;" instead... This is indeed a change from the very first version where only "POP3-account" was written.

The change was done because "<POP3-account>" is part of messages like "<huidige gebruiker>" etc in the event log. And this looks far better together with all the rest and also together with the use of parenthesis.

To fix this for now you need to alter your Dutch translation file.
Attached is an updated version.

To fix your already created event log, you need to manually replace all "<POP3-account>" with "(POP3-account)" or something like that.
RE: Event xml wrongly written by ray77 on 07-27-2006 at 10:46 AM

Thank you very much CookieRevised

I had no idea it was stored in the language ini file like that.
I'm sure this will do the trick...

Thx again

RE: Event xml wrongly written by RaceProUK on 07-27-2006 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by RaceProUK
Did you add the '<' and '>' in the relevant bit in Preferences?
has got nothing todo with preferences.
I should probably have mentioned which bit in the Preferences. Ah well, never mind.
RE: Event xml wrongly written by Patchou on 07-29-2006 at 05:54 PM

This will be fixed in the next version.