
Help!! need to how to display big picture on messenger live - Printable Version

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Help!! need to how to display big picture on messenger live by raykwa on 08-01-2006 at 06:06 PM

I used to be able to display larger size picture with stuffng! plug-in but now that feature is gone because no more plug-in feature with the lastest version. Please help me !!! anybody know any script can do that kind of feature coz I really don't like the default size set by msn messenger live.


RE: Help!! need to how to display big picture on messenger live by Zahid™ on 08-01-2006 at 06:10 PM

No not yet, wait for Stuffplug 3 which will be able to do that, but the next version of Stuffplug will be a standalone version which means you won't need Messenger Plus! to use it. When its released you'll be able to download it here:

RE: Help!! need to how to display big picture on messenger live by DonDanny on 10-04-2006 at 07:48 PM

Hey: first of all i want 2 congratulate u for this great program u made 4 msn live, is very usefull and veri friendly. thx all the people that make this posible.
now its my advice, u shoud put the big display picture and emoticon funtion 2 your software, msn lucks very nice whith this caracteristic.

that was my advice and request LOL.... so c ya... and think about this

c ya

(i read this on the stuffplug site (

It has been over 2 month since we last posted here. Sorry for that.

TheBlasphemer will be away for three weeks starting today because of Introduction to students association. He is also very busy moving to another city where he will be attending a new university.

Basicly that means we won't be seeing StuffPlug 3 anytime soon. Sorry.

StuffPlug Staff Posted by x2zen on September 22, 2006  50 comments" )