
why is unarchived logging feature no longer available? - Printable Version

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why is unarchived logging feature no longer available? by user3127-2 on 08-27-2006 at 10:05 PM

I use text-only log file (not xml)

The 4.x version of msgplus makes folders like "August 2006", "July 2006" automatically, and makes a new folder every month.

This is not a new feature, but in all previous versions, there was an option to disable this feature and put all logfiles in one big folder.

I dont want a new folder made every month. I prefer the old way. Why is this option disappeared?

actually there is an option saying "save by email".

that option makes a folder for each contact, and then in the folder, makes files like August 2006.txt July 2006.txt.

this is not the old way where all conversation with one contact could be saved into a single file.

Please restore this feature.
RE: why is unarchived logging feature no longer available? by bollocks on 08-28-2006 at 06:16 AM

Personally I also liked the old option of one big file (email addey as file name) for each contact with the entire history of chats in it. I don't see why everything needs to be micro sorted, it's logged in chronological order anyway, and doing it this way means I can use any basic text editor to search, instead of the built in functions, or some more complicated multi-file / multi-directory search. I'm sure any computer today can handle the measly few megabytes that my longest running logs have grown to.

This topic is also discussed here:

From reading the above thread and by doing some experimenting, my solution is:

Plus! -> preferences -> conversations -> chat logging ->
select "save by date"
select "save as plain text files"

add the string:

to the the reg key:
"HKCU\Software\Patchou\Messenger Plus! Live\\Preferences"

with the value of two single quotes: ''

edit: actually use the value: '.'
(<single quote><period><single quote>)

ie. single dot means "current dir", and this will allow the chat logs to be opened through Plus! (the other way produces an error due to the double slash in the called filename)

This will do what you want, but new chats may not merge with the old files of the same name. I think this has todo with the new logs being in unicode?? (this also doubles the size of the logs, big woop :rolleyes:) I was previously using Plus2 so you may not have this problem.

To solve, I moved all my old logs out of my logging directory and let Plus! create all its new logs, then manually merged all the old logs back in (simple copy-paste). If you have a decent text editor there's probably a better way todo this

Hope this helps.