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No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-30-2006 at 03:21 PM

Suddenly today after a computer restart, my Windows Live Messenger has no Plus options. I've uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail. I'm running the latest versions of both Messenger and Plus. There's simply no sign that Plus is running--no menu/UI items, no desktop contacts, no mail notification, no chat logs, etc. I get no failure or error messages, and the "C:\MsgPlusDebug\MsgPlusLive Trace.txt" has no entries from the time the problem started. Anyone have any ideas or similar experiences?

RE: No MsgPlus by Chris4 on 08-30-2006 at 03:39 PM

Uninstall both Windows Live Messenger and Messenger Plus! Live. Then delete the folders (C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\ and C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\). Then download a new copy of Messenger from here and a new copy of Plus! Live from here. Install both. See if you get any result.

RE: No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-30-2006 at 03:40 PM

I just noticed the same thing has happened on another machine on my home network. Is there something that needs to be unblocked on my firewall or something? Messenger itself has no problems--I can send and receive IM's just fine.

RE: No MsgPlus by Chris4 on 08-30-2006 at 04:57 PM

What firewall and antivirus do you have?
Make sure Messenger Plus! Live is unblocked.

RE: No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-30-2006 at 05:06 PM

I'm using Windows Firewall (XP Pro SP2) and CA eTrust AntiVirus 7.1.192. What .exe file should be unblocked for Plus Live? There doesn't seem to be an executable like there was for previous versions of Plus.

RE: No MsgPlus by Chris4 on 08-30-2006 at 05:10 PM

Well Messenger Plus! Live is actually intergrated into WLM, so I think you just have to make sure WLM is unblocked, which it is because your using it. So I can't see there being a problem with your firewall or anti-virus.

Did you try what I said above? That fixes most minor problems.

Also, try this..

Originally posted by ChronoNewb

  1. Exit messenger.

  2. Go to C:/Program Files/MSN Messenger and delete "riched20.dll" if its there ;).

  3. Restart Messenger.

If this works then-
  • Go to Add/Remove Programs.
  • Remove Web Search (Smile Central)

RE: No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-30-2006 at 07:18 PM

I uninstalled both, reinstalled both (no folders were there to delete) and still have no Plus Live features. I do not have riched20.dll or Web Search (Smile Central). Any other ideas?

RE: No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-31-2006 at 03:25 PM

FYI, when I try to add the Message Plus add-in to Windows Live Messenger manually (Tools|Options|Add-ins), I get the following error message:

The add-in "MsgPlusLive.dll" could not be turned on.  80131018

RE: No MsgPlus by Sunshine on 08-31-2006 at 04:09 PM

Originally posted by jhopper28
...and the "C:\MsgPlusDebug\MsgPlusLive Trace.txt" has no entries from the time the problem started.
That doesn't work on the final Plus!Live version anymore...the only way you could have gotten that folder is because you installed a beta version (wich as non betatester you shouldn't have/use) earlier on. Have you downloaded the new Plus!Live from yet? If not then i advice you to do so and see if you get the same problem with that one.

Plus!Live requires to be installed on an account with admin priviledges. You also need to make sure nothing is preventing writing to the registry (AdWatch is an example of one of these programs, some AV programs do the same).
RE: No MsgPlus by jhopper28 on 08-31-2006 at 04:44 PM

No, I'm not using the beta--I was already using the release version, but I uninstalled yesterday and downloaded and installed the latest version to make doubly sure I had the latest.

I am an administrator on my machine and nothing is preventing registry writing. What gets written to the registry that I could check for?

RE: No MsgPlus by Takao Kozumu on 09-03-2006 at 06:52 PM

I can't get my Plus! to work, either.
My Messenger looks exactly as it did before I had Plus!
I just don't get it.

RE: No MsgPlus by kurapa on 10-13-2006 at 01:22 AM

I have two machine:
[1] clean windows xp pc (sp2)
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- working

[2] old windows xp pc (sp2)
- previously I installed messenger 7.5 + msg plus 4.x.x.x
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- msg plus live does not working !!

I also have administrator permission for [2] machine.

I've tried to clean registry by cleanning program.
I've also tried to disable vaccine and anti spyware programs.

But I can't still use msg plus live.


help me...

RE: No MsgPlus by Panachiba on 10-13-2006 at 02:06 AM

maybe you use the 8.1 :

Originally posted by kurapa
I have two machine:
[1] clean windows xp pc (sp2)
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- working

[2] old windows xp pc (sp2)
- previously I installed messenger 7.5 + msg plus 4.x.x.x
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- msg plus live does not working !!

I also have administrator permission for [2] machine.

I've tried to clean registry by cleanning program.
I've also tried to disable vaccine and anti spyware programs.

But I can't still use msg plus live.


help me...

Compare Both pcs, and see if something is missing for the Msplus! program.

You sure did all of possible solutions??, you can search in the forum and found more thread about that :).
RE: RE: No MsgPlus by kurapa on 10-13-2006 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Panachiba
maybe you use the 8.1 :

Originally posted by kurapa
I have two machine:
[1] clean windows xp pc (sp2)
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- working

[2] old windows xp pc (sp2)
- Previously I installed messenger 6.0 + msg plus 3.x.x.x
- And I installed messenger 7.5 + msg plus 4.x.x.x
- I installed messenger live + msg plus live
- msg plus live does not working !!

I also have administrator permission for [2] machine.

I've tried to clean registry by cleanning program.
I've also tried to disable vaccine and anti spyware programs.

But I can't still use msg plus live.


help me...

Compare Both pcs, and see if something is missing for the Msplus! program.

You sure did all of possible solutions??, you can search in the forum and found more thread about that :).

The version is currently 8.0 (build number : 8.0.0812.00)
It's another problem.

RE: No MsgPlus by MattyRid on 10-13-2006 at 03:36 AM

The Messenger build number would not be the problem, If I were you I would do everything and anything to make sure that it may not be another program which is interfering with Messenger Plus! Live.

RE: No MsgPlus by kurapa on 10-13-2006 at 04:28 AM

So far, PC format is the only solution can make work MP!L in case of having problem in above number [2] environment.