
Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline - Printable Version

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Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by mark_c99 on 10-03-2006 at 01:35 PM

Hi all,

I have a rather annoying problem that appears now and then and was hoping someone here has also experienced it and has a fix for it.

The situation: my status is Appear Offline (AO).  Then for no reason the system logs me off and promptly logs me back in but this time as Online.  First, it shouldn't log me off but I know this happens sometimes due to system congestion and whatnot.  But then it should NOT involuntarily log me back on and definitely not change my status, especially if I had it on AO!  Obviously I want to be discreet and this mode should be treated as "special".

This has happened to me countless times and I'm using the latest MSN messenger and latest MsgPlus version from July.  It's has happened with old versions and even the latest versions.  It doesn't matter if I'm using the computer or not.  I had gone 2-3 months without seeing it and then today it happened again!  Also, very important: I have checked OFF both "Automatically run Messenger when I log on to Windows" and "Allow automatic sign in when connected to the Internet".  I couldn't find any other option that might be related but if I missed it I would like to know.

Can someone please tell me how to remedy this?  It's been like this for almost two years now.

Thanks for all responses and any help!


RE: Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by foaly on 10-03-2006 at 01:41 PM

you could use the function...
sign me in as: appear offlinen...
when you sign-in...
then it will use that setting when it re-connects...

RE: Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by Sunshine on 10-03-2006 at 01:42 PM

When you get signed out and signed in again it will take wichever status you set when you logged in. There is a script that remembers last used status: Remember Status 1.3. With this you will be logged in again same status as was when it signed you out instead of what you set it to sign in with on log in.

Seeing as you posted this in the msgplus section i assume you got Plus! installed as this is required to use scripts.

RE: Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by mark_c99 on 10-03-2006 at 01:46 PM

Thanks.  I've tried that.  My current login session was signed in just that way as a matter-of-fact and it happened again, prompting me to post the original request for help.  Really odd I think.  But I'm surprised to not find anyone else so far who's experienced it, including friends who use MSN.


Thanks Sunshine.  As I said to foaly, I do have set it to Appear Offline in the drop down window when I start MSN Messenger.  I just click Log In.  It seems that the server, when it's re-connecting me, isn't even looking at my system settings/config. ( ? )

I am using Messenger Plus, but how do I use the script you suggest?  The file extension isn't recognized on my system (.plsc) and I have yet to find a function to import scripts.  Please excuse my ignorance on using scripts.

Oh, I should also mention that I also have checked OFF "Automatically change status after a period of inactivity" under the miscellaneous tab in General Options.


RE: Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by Sunshine on 10-03-2006 at 10:50 PM

May i ask wich Messenger version you are using? Scripts are for Plus!Live, they won't on MSN Messenger with Messenger Plus! Now there was something that remembered status for MSN Messenger with the "old" Plus! but i'm not sure what it was...i thought it was in Msg Plus! Tweak (available on my site, click sig)..but if it is i overlooked it :(

Plus!Live only works on Windows Live Messenger available for WinXP and up.

RE: Sudden involuntarily Online mode when in Appear Offline by mark_c99 on 10-04-2006 at 09:18 PM

Yes, you are correct: I'm using MSN Messenger with Messenger Plus.  My MSN Messenger version is 7.5.0324.  I just update when it prompts me to.  I didn't know there was another version like "MSN Messenger Plus!Live" out there. 

When I have a few moments I'll check out Msg Plus Tweak to see if it has anything in there to help.
