
can't add ppl can u help - Printable Version

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can't add ppl can u help by Dee_vine on 10-24-2006 at 04:22 PM

hopefully someone can help is the problem....i have MSN live and its great and all but now when anyone adds me to msn they do not show up on my list...and if i had them it show that they are offline or have not added me or is not on my contact list....and when i try to click the add this contact to your contact list it won't let me click it...however and i can have a converstation with the person but only sometimes....
However, when I sign on to MSN live on the computer at my friends place it shows these recently added people as being on my list, it also show them as being on my list when I sign on using windows messenger on my computer but when i sign on with windows live MSN it does not show these people???? :S
This is been going on for a couple weeks now and i have tired both deleting people of my list to create more room but that did not work and uninstalling and reinstalling MSN live and it still does not show the ppl on my list :@

PLZ Can any1 help me with this problem
right now i feel like my only solution is to open an account just for msn??? and I rather not do that

RE: can't add ppl can u help by Felu on 10-24-2006 at 04:25 PM

See CookieRevised's reply to Contacts problem.