
windows live messenger plus won't download - Printable Version

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windows live messenger plus won't download by benny_boy589 on 11-08-2006 at 09:44 AM

[color=blue][size=2]When i try to download windows live messenger plus for windows live messenger is says that the following file requires windows live messenger or msn messenger 8.0 to be installed please wait while we find the rite one and then it loads and the box disseapears and i have windows live messenger.8o|

RE: windows live messenger plus won't download by CookieRevised on 11-08-2006 at 10:02 AM

Can you show us a screenshot of the exact error message you got?

Because as far as I know, "Messenger Plus! Live" (this is the correct name) does not have such a message like "following file requires windows live messenger or msn messenger 8.0 to be installed please wait while we find the rite one".

Be absolutely sure you always download from the official site:

RE: windows live messenger plus won't download by benny_boy589 on 11-08-2006 at 11:29 AM

it's alrite now i fixed it i just had to repair it in the add/remove programs pannel.  windows live messenger was missing some files

RE: windows live messenger plus won't download by CookieRevised on 11-08-2006 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by benny_boy589
it's alrite now i fixed it i just had to repair it in the add/remove programs pannel.  windows live messenger was missing some files
ah I see...

Thank you for telling why it gave that error (many people just say "it's ok it's fix now" without telling what the problem actually was).

Though, the error message you told us, doesn't exist. That is, there is a similar error message but it is still quite different and it is shown in a message box and only after you press "ok" a new version will be downloaded. So, in short: always give the error message as exact as possible (a screenshot if possible).

As for the message box dissapearing: What happened when you left it like that? Was a new version downloaded (version 3, compatible with MSN Messenger) and was its setup executed? Or did nothing happen at all? This is actually a bit important as it should have downloaded Plus!3 and executed its setup; if not, then there is some error...
RE: windows live messenger plus won't download by mocha_mist on 11-15-2006 at 07:09 PM

hey what is goign on with with this "Live Messenger Plus" plug-In??? 8o| I downloaded it and ran the programme and when Messenger Live restarted it was just as before...sans "Live Messenger Plus" plug-In!!!!! :@ Can someone please help...instruct... :S

RE: windows live messenger plus won't download by CookieRevised on 11-16-2006 at 02:39 AM

Originally posted by mocha_mist
hey what is goign on with with this "Live Messenger Plus" plug-In??? 8o| I downloaded it and ran the programme and when Messenger Live restarted it was just as before...sans "Live Messenger Plus" plug-In!!!!! :@ Can someone please help...instruct... :S
Please search forums before posting ;)

Go to this post and answer all the questions in detail:
CookieRevised's reply to Plus menu doesn't appear