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Legalising Drugs..No? by Fuse on 03-09-2007 at 08:51 PM

In the UK there has been alot of talk (from the royal arts society) of legalaizing drugs.

Less crime
Quality would be better (no-one would die of wrong ingredents in E etc)
The government could could gain tax from it (just like with tobacco and alcohol)

Pressure on NHS (in the uk: the nhs has had a bad strike so getting more more people who suffer from schizophrenia)
Wrong message - to youths: who think if it's not illeagle for adults it should be illeagle for them (sort of whats happend with alcohol)

Are there anymore points for or against it?

And what do you think: should/shouldnt they and why?

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by ayjay on 03-09-2007 at 08:55 PM

"Legalizing drugs"? They can't just legalize everything. Legalizing cannabis, for example, would probably do more good than harm, but there's no way they should legalize physically addictive drugs like Heroin. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if they care more about taxes than people's health, happens already with tobacco :P

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Voldemort on 03-09-2007 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by ayjay
Legalizing cannabis, for example, would probably do more good than harm, but there's no way they should legalize physically addictive drugs like Heroin. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if they care more about taxes than people's health
Same here in Mexico.
If they are to be legalized and bought with a prescription, i *sort of* agree
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Vimto on 03-09-2007 at 09:59 PM

I sort of agree about leagalizing cannabis but Ive seen the effects in all aspects of drugs such as heroine and cocaine, cocaine especially. It tears families apart and people end up in so muhc debt and stuff. Drugs are stupid.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by qgroessl on 03-09-2007 at 10:19 PM

Legalizing canabis would be a good idea IMO... only under specified amounts that you can carry, and age limit, etc.

They'd also need to set a limit on how much you can use or consume, and find a quick way to test it... Like  PVC for weed.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Adeptus on 03-09-2007 at 10:20 PM

As long as the drugs are properly labeled, I think that sounds like an excellent idea.  Your body belongs to you and isn't government property -- you should have the right to intoxicate it with any substance you prefer.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Voldemort on 03-09-2007 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Adeptus
you should have the right to intoxicate it with any substance you prefer.
Yeah, but respecting others...
You can't use "being under the influence" as an excuse :P
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by albert on 03-09-2007 at 10:35 PM

If it comes to be the same thing as alchool (if you're drunk and do a stupidity you pay for it) then I don't see the issue..

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by marissa on 03-09-2007 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Fuse
Less crime
Quality would be better (no-one would die of wrong ingredents in E etc)
The government could could gain tax from it (just like with tobacco and alcohol)

the government can control what goes into the drug. uh... like weed, some people put bad things in the weed that can frig you up badly... if the government were to sell it they could control it and have it all grown naturally with out like chemicals and stuff (like to make it grow faster...blahblah)

i think natural things could be legalized, but not like chemicals. blah i dont know.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Ezra on 03-09-2007 at 11:05 PM

Well, over here cannabis is legal (Amsterdam), I don't think they should make it illegal here, but they need to make it harder for young people to get and they should give better advice on the addictive qualities of the drugs.

They are kinda already working on it, but it's not enough, they recently began with cannabis free area's. So these are places in the city where it's illegal to smoke cannabis in public. Marked by the dumbest and ugliest sign btw, but it's a step in the right direction.

A lot of people here use cannabis just because they are "cool". I think that's very weak of them, I used to have such friends too, but I don't want anything to do with them anymore.

Legal or not, there are still ways to get the stuff, they should better think about getting this 'smoking is cool' mentality out of people.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by qgroessl on 03-09-2007 at 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Ezra
addictive qualities of the drugs

But remember not all drugs are addicting... Canabis is habit forming, at least to me it is, I've used it before... but there's a big difference between habit forming, and addicting.

Canabis is habit forming, I did it cause I wanted to, and because it was just something I did... Smoking cigarettes however, is addicting. I smoke thosee even if I don't want to, just something it feels like I need to do.
RE: RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by High Speed Chaser on 03-10-2007 at 12:57 AM

Originally posted by UTI
Originally posted by Ezra
addictive qualities of the drugs

But remember not all drugs are addicting... Canabis is habit forming, at least to me it is, I've used it before... but there's a big difference between habit forming, and addicting.

Canabis is habit forming, I did it cause I wanted to, and because it was just something I did... Smoking cigarettes however, is addicting. I smoke thosee even if I don't want to, just something it feels like I need to do.

It's called psychological addiction and physical addiction
we are currently studying drugs at school

Originally posted by Adeptus
As long as the drugs are properly labeled, I think that sounds like an excellent idea.  Your body belongs to you and isn't government property -- you should have the right to intoxicate it with any substance you prefer.

what happens if kids get to it
if someone smokes cannabis (even tobacco) it can affect the people around them (passive smokers)

also what about DUI
In Victoria Australia more drivers are under the influence of drugs then alcohol causing the Victorian government to create a drug version of the booze-bus Booze-Bus Victoria Australia ( because there are lots of accidents related to drugs legalizing the stuff would cause more accidents
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Adeptus on 03-10-2007 at 01:37 AM

Originally posted by High Speed Chaser
what happens if kids get to it
Tell your kids to not use drugs, -- same way as, I hope, you are telling (and looking after) them to not stick nails into electric outlets, not swallow entire bottles of your over-the-counter pain reliever, not drink drain cleaner, not run with scissors, and so forth.  Universal banning is not an answer to stupid kids (or bad parents) -- they will find something else to kill themselves with.  Quite frankly, all the better for the gene pool.
Originally posted by High Speed Chaser
if someone smokes cannabis (even tobacco) it can affect the people around them (passive smokers)
That is easily solved by designating smoking and non-smoking areas (which we are already doing).  It is perfectly reasonable to have rules where one can smoke, but not what one can smoke.

I don't care for second hand smoke (especially tobacco), so I stay out of smoking sections at restaurants and don't rent smoking rooms at hotels.  When I choose to enter places where smoking is allowed or go out with people who smoke, that is my choice -- for which I am just as responsible as I would be if I were to smoke myself. 
Originally posted by High Speed Chaser
also what about DUI
What about reckless driving while sober?
Originally posted by High Speed Chaser
In Victoria Australia more drivers are under the influence of drugs then alcohol causing the Victorian government to create a drug version of the booze-bus because there are lots of accidents related to drugs legalizing the stuff would cause more accidents
According to that theory, it would be even better to also ban alcohol, wouldn't it?  That's been tried all over the world and hasn't worked anywhere. 

You know -- I have a great idea.  Why not ban cars?  That would cut down not just on DUI, but all sorts of accidents!
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-10-2007 at 02:03 AM

I never knew you had that in you Adeptus!

I have nothing against drugs. Make them legal I say. Though I wonder how much the prices will go up. Usually around $25-35 for ecstacy before being legalised. Maybe $50 after so the Government can make some money.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by joey on 03-10-2007 at 11:11 AM

if they legalised drugs (not all cos then we'd all be crack addicts!) but soft ones like cannabis or ketamine or something, the government could do what they do with cigarettes and get tax off them! but not hard drugs then people woult kill each other for more when we run out....:S

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by ayjay on 03-10-2007 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by ichooselife128
if they legalised drugs (not all cos then we'd all be crack addicts!)

Erm, why? I wouldn't take crack just because it's legal, exactly the same as I don't smoke tobacco.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Eddie on 03-10-2007 at 11:18 AM

Making them Legal i think would spur trouble but it would also take away the "Rebel" effect that people want to do it because it breaks rules and stuff *-) But i certainly wouldnt "do drugs".

EDIT: 888 yay lol :P dont mind me ^^

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by joey on 03-10-2007 at 11:59 AM

but a lot more people would for the same reason a lot of people try a cigarette. and i probably would do other drugs just because i know what the feelings are like.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by somelauw on 03-10-2007 at 12:16 PM

In the Netherlands softdrugs are already legal and I agree with it.

- It's your own fault if you get addicted.
- If you don't take to many it doesn't really harm you.

But don't allow kids below 16 to take them.
I fully agree with Adeptus. Adeptus for president!

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by John Anderton on 03-10-2007 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Fuse
In the UK there has been alot of talk (from the royal arts society) of legalaizing drugs.
Ok. The Brits have gone insane. :-/
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by ShawnZ on 03-10-2007 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Voldemort
If they are to be legalized and bought with a prescription, i *sort of* agree

*sort of*? they should legalise cannabis completely and outlaw cigarettes :dodgy:
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by foaly on 03-10-2007 at 12:49 PM

Let's make one think clear...
Softsdrugs aren't legal in the Netherlands :dodgy:
And that is a good thing... because else it would get more expensive...

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Vilkku on 03-10-2007 at 01:58 PM

Drugs are illegal for a reason, they are bad for your health. If anything, they should also restrict the use of tobacco.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Vilkku
Drugs are illegal for a reason, they are bad for your health. If anything, they should also restrict the use of tobacco.
What you do with your body is your own business. Not all drugs are bad. Many people use cannabis for medicinal reasons. I am afraid you watch too much 6 o'clock news.

Originally posted by Eddie
Making them Legal i think would spur trouble but it would also take away the "Rebel" effect that people want to do it because it breaks rules and stuff *-) But i certainly wouldnt "do drugs".
What makes you think people take drugs because they want to be a rebel? Those sorts of people are idiots anyway.

Some people do it for the enjoyment. The feeling you get, the way it changes your perception of the world. Even if it lasts a few hours. You sit back and relax or with some drugs go out and party all night, dancing.

Or maybe I should only fit your description of a 'druggie'. They break into houses, vandalise and bash up old ladies. 8-)

Originally posted by Voldemort
If they are to be legalized and bought with a prescription, i *sort of* agree
And how are people meant to get these perscriptions?
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Voldemort on 03-11-2007 at 03:05 AM

Originally posted by linx05
And how are people meant to get these perscriptions?

Originally posted by linx05
cannabis for medicinal reasons

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by blackjack on 03-11-2007 at 03:10 AM

I think its a ''good'' idea.. to legalize that.. 8-)
and i agree with people saying its people own fault if they go ''over'' it and start acting stupid, retarded (Other)

But :P the price for the drugs will be really really decreased :P and.. hence people who ''sells'' drugs now wont like that idea :P

and we would be in a new problem.. people killing others so they are the only ones with product, etc..

well just my point 8-)

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Voldemort on 03-11-2007 at 03:15 AM

Originally posted by blackjack
hence people who ''sells'' drugs now wont like that idea
and with their mafia they'll kill the president.... believe me, they can if they want to...
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Voldemort
Originally posted by linx05
And how are people meant to get these perscriptions?

Originally posted by linx05
cannabis for medicinal reasons

We weren't talking just about cannabis.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-11-2007 at 03:24 AM

Originally posted by linx05
What makes you think people take drugs because they want to be a rebel? Those sorts of people are idiots anyway.
sadly, most of kids who start taking drugs do it for that reason (or wanting to fit into a group of people :P)
Originally posted by foaly
And that is a good thing... because else it would get more expensive...
how so? It would be cheaper in my opinion, even if they payed huge taxes :P

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
What makes you think people take drugs because they want to be a rebel? Those sorts of people are idiots anyway.
sadly, most of kids who start taking drugs do it for that reason (or wanting to fit into a group of people :P
I disagree with that whole heartedly. From my experience they have done it to experiment. Try something new. Get something more out of life. Or even to just have fun.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-11-2007 at 03:28 AM

Originally posted by linx05
I disagree with that whole heartedly. From my experience they have done it to experiment. Try something new. Get something more out of life. Or even to just have fun.
yet more reasons not to make'em legal then :P
RE: RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by blackjack on 03-11-2007 at 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Voldemort
Originally posted by blackjack
hence people who ''sells'' drugs now wont like that idea
and with their mafia they'll kill the president.... believe me, they can if they want to...

haha.. and you tell me that :P

We both are from Mexico :P and i think you know Culiacan.. or at least heard of it :P

and that here.. we have.. ''Cartel de Sinaloa''

Mayo Zambada and Chapo guzman.. 8-)

so i think i know what they can do to the government =/

Like 5 Soldiers killed last month here :S obviously ''Drugs'' reason

well.. going a bit of topic here.. but yeah..
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Panachiba on 03-11-2007 at 03:35 AM

Drugs only to medicinal things, nothing more :).

unfortunately people dont use drugs just for that, so..the thing is, how can stop that?.

Legasiling drugs just can bring more trouble.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
I disagree with that whole heartedly. From my experience they have done it to experiment. Try something new. Get something more out of life. Or even to just have fun.
yet more reasons not to make'em legal then :P
What you do to your body is your business but to prevent other people from doing the same is wrong.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-11-2007 at 03:52 AM

Originally posted by linx05
Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
I disagree with that whole heartedly. From my experience they have done it to experiment. Try something new. Get something more out of life. Or even to just have fun.
yet more reasons not to make'em legal then :P
What you do to your body is your business but to prevent other people from doing the same is wrong.
So i guess you believe suicide is ok?
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 04:18 AM

Nice try. But if you took drugs to die then that would be bad wouldn't it? No as I said people take them to experiment, to try something new and get something more out of life. Would you get that from commiting suicide? As I said, nice try.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-11-2007 at 04:26 AM

Originally posted by linx05
But if you took drugs to die then that would be bad wouldn't it? No as I said people take them to experiment, to try something new and get something more out of life
But then they get addicted and they are screwed. Of course if you're just trying it, you wont just fall for it, but do it a couple of times with a non so soft drug and you're done.
I see your point though.
RE: RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by segosa on 03-11-2007 at 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
I disagree with that whole heartedly. From my experience they have done it to experiment. Try something new. Get something more out of life. Or even to just have fun.
yet more reasons not to make'em legal then :P
What you do to your body is your business but to prevent other people from doing the same is wrong.
So i guess you believe suicide is ok?

I don't see anything wrong with suicide and I think that maybe if the people who constantly bitch about how shitty their life is and how they want to commit suicide, would actually do what they threaten to do and just kill themselves, we would have less morons taking up resources that could be better spent on those who deserve them: people who would actually appreciate a roof over their head and food on their table.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-11-2007 at 05:35 AM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by linx05
But if you took drugs to die then that would be bad wouldn't it? No as I said people take them to experiment, to try something new and get something more out of life
But then they get addicted and they are screwed. Of course if you're just trying it, you wont just fall for it, but do it a couple of times with a non so soft drug and you're done.
I see your point though.
Not really, different people can have different consequences. A few people I know have tried 'hard' drugs and they're fine. They hardly ever do it though.

Segosa, this is a thread about legalising illegal drugs. Is it not? Next time read properly.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Aeryn on 03-11-2007 at 10:12 AM

Being allowed to do whatever you want with your body is a nice principle and all, but at the same time we can't forget that generally people are stupid. What's legal is what's more likely to be considered right. And even if taking drugs was legal only to adults starting from a certain age, making drugs legal makes them much more available than they are now and inevitably, underage people who largely don't know what they're doing would experiment with them more than they do now. Sure, it's their own fault if they don't know what they're messing with and better for the gene pool, but at the same time I think that people should be protected with laws (and together with education) especially when they don't realize a threat to their health themselves. And no, education alone won't be of much use if the substance is readily available, as we can see with alcohol and tobacco. (Jesus, nowadays most people actually seem to think that social situations require you to be under the influence of something.)

And drugs and suicide are still related - many people die of (accidental or not accidental) drug overdose.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by foaly on 03-11-2007 at 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by foaly
And that is a good thing... because else it would get more expensive...
how so? It would be cheaper in my opinion, even if they payed huge taxes :P

no the huge taxes would make it more expensive...
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by qgroessl on 03-11-2007 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by linx05
Segosa, this is a thread about legalising illegal drugs. Is it not? Next time read properly

he read properly... he was replying to Chrono's post...

Originally posted by foaly
Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by foaly
And that is a good thing... because else it would get more expensive...
how so? It would be cheaper in my opinion, even if they payed huge taxes :P

no the huge taxes would make it more expensive...

It could go both ways... Cheaper because it would be less of a hassle to sell it to people... cheaper becausesupply would go up (being legal and all)... but more expensive because demand would also probably go up... and more expensive because of government taxes and such.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by saralk on 03-11-2007 at 03:38 PM

We've had large discussions about this before, so i'll just copy and paste what I said in those threads here...

I think it is a tricky subject.

If drugs are going to be legalised only certain drugs should be completely legalised, there is roughly about £1-4billion to be made from taxation on drugs. And if drugs were legalised lisenced producers could make drugs that you know are as safe as possible. (i.e. they would be X% of the drug, and Y% of another substance that isnt harmful). It would also mean that crime rates would go down significantly, as the profit margins wouldnt be in the current region of 2000%, but more like 200%.

However, there would be very high costs in setting up a watchdog organisation that would make sure there is some sort of quality control from drug vendors. But companies that currently make drugs for treating illnesses would divert R&D $s to developing modified versions of recreational drugs which give higher kicks and dont get people addicted. This could mean a massive decrease in medical breakthroughs. Unless the government gave genorous tax breaks to reacreational drug companies who developed medical drugs as well, but then the money created from taxation of drugs is quickly starting to dissapear to fund its creation.

Also, i would like to see drug dependance centres for people who are completely addicted to drugs like Heroine, they can get free access to heroin that is known to be safe, which must be used within the centre to stop this heroin from being circulated into the illegal drugs trade. This way, people will stop commiting crimes to get heroin, and if there are any problems arising from Heroine ODs etc... they can recieve immediate attention. They have to prove they are addicted to heroine before they can use the dependance centres, and they must agree to take part in some form of rehabilitation, so slowly they can get off the drug, and minimise the risks.

At the moment the organised criminals are operating at around 2000% profit margins. And the multi billion pound market is in the control of the criminals. By legalising it, governments can take contorl of the market, i.e. regulate it, instill quality control checks, and most importantly, tax it. Any deaths that do arise from legal cannabis use will mean the government is under more pressure to do more research into drug use, and also there will be better health care because of increased revenue from taxation.

Also, the argument that illegal drug trafficing will still exist even in with drugs legalised is a load of rubbish. Sure, you cant get rid of the market completletly, but most people are more likely to buy some cannabis from a lisenced pharmacist, than the dodgy bloke outside it, even if it means they can save themselves a couple of quid.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by qgroessl on 03-11-2007 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by saralk
Also, i would like to see drug dependance centres for people who are completely addicted to drugs like Heroine, they can get free access to heroin that is known to be safe, which must be used within the centre to stop this heroin from being circulated into the illegal drugs trade. This way, people will stop commiting crimes to get heroin, and if there are any problems arising from Heroine ODs etc... they can recieve immediate attention. They have to prove they are addicted to heroine before they can use the dependance centres, and they must agree to take part in some form of rehabilitation, so slowly they can get off the drug, and minimise the risks.

That's the only part I don't agree with.

And about the last bit about illegal drug trafiking... To be honest, you can never completely get rid of it... you'd just reallyhave to bare down on how much (if any) enters and leaves the country.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by saralk on 03-11-2007 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by UTI
And about the last bit about illegal drug trafiking... To be honest, you can never completely get rid of it... you'd just reallyhave to bare down on how much (if any) enters and leaves the country.

Thats what I said, but there aren't any turf wars between gangs selling ciggarettes are there?

The fact is, that by turning drugs into a commodity, you would get rid of a lot of problems.

Lets take a look at what might happen if we legalised drugs:

Large tobacco companies who are facing reduced revenue in the face of anti nicotine legislation companies, who have a lot of money start selling drugs.

They already have big distribution networks, processing plants and expertise. They can create economies of scale (cost benefits associated with producing on a large scale), lowering the cost of the drugs. Driving prices down.

More companies start jumping on the band wagon -> increased competition -> lower prices as companies compete

The government, with backing and funding from these new drug companies, cracks down on unlicensed entities selling drugs: i.e. the last of the drug dealers.

Prices are falling dramatically, customers no longer have imperfect information (that is they can easily compare prices of drugs, and they know what is inside drugs).

This means that drug dealers (who already make very little money) now make even less money and there is a larger risk of them being arrested.

So illegal drug dealing becomes very unatractive.

We will never completely get rid of illegal drug dealing, however I think it'll be mainly limited to places where there is a chance for a local monopoly, such as the same situations where people charge £12 for a cigarette (i made a hefty profit last time I went to Reading Music Festival :p).
And even this would probably be legal drugs bought at a shop, resold for a ridiculous markup.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by joey on 03-12-2007 at 10:04 AM

if drugs are illegal becauses they're dangerous, then why oh why are cigarettes and alcohol legal?because the governments make tax and money off of them, so why not with soft drugs? and its your own fault  for being addicted/or trying them and getting hurt. in england, there's tonnes of help for drugs of any kind, talk to frank, the NHS, samaritans, loads. its your own fault not the governments if you get addicted to cigarettes.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-12-2007 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by UTI
Originally posted by linx05
Segosa, this is a thread about legalising illegal drugs. Is it not? Next time read properly

he read properly... he was replying to Chrono's post...
I'll say it again. This is a thread about whether or not drugs should be legalised.

Plus he asked for it on #banana :P
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Sunshine on 03-12-2007 at 03:25 PM

Related thread:

should cannabis legalised?

You may want to read that for more views/opinions aswell.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-12-2007 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by foaly
no the huge taxes would make it more expensive...
Not really, the fact that they are illegal makes it hard to distribute, hence high prices. If they legalize it, there would be places where you could easily get it, demand would increase (most likely) and so the price would be lower, mostly cause of the fact that there will be competitive stores or whatever selling it.
Originally posted by UTI
more expensive because demand would also probably go up
More demand = lower price in this case :P

It would probably go like saralk said, at least for the economics side of the whole issue :P
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by foaly on 03-12-2007 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Chrono
Originally posted by foaly
no the huge taxes would make it more expensive...
Not really, the fact that they are illegal makes it hard to distribute, hence high prices. If they legalize it, there would be places where you could easily get it, demand would increase (most likely) and so the price would be lower, mostly cause of the fact that there will be competitive stores or whatever selling it.

Yeah well in the Netherlands you can just buy it in a "coffeeshop" and there are several coffeeshops in big city's so the effects you are talking about should already have taken effect...
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by joey on 03-14-2007 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by foaly

Yeah well in the Netherlands you can just buy it in a "coffeeshop" and there are several coffeeshops in big city's so the effects you are talking about should already have taken effect...
the netherlands are so lucky....
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by saralk on 03-17-2007 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Chrono
Not really, the fact that they are illegal makes it hard to distribute, hence high prices. If they legalize it, there would be places where you could easily get it, demand would increase (most likely) and so the price would be lower, mostly cause of the fact that there will be competitive stores or whatever selling it.

Exactly, and another thing is that consumers get close to perfect information.

At the moment, it is really hard to compare prices for drugs, because there are no set prices, and drug dealers don't exactly hang around near each other, plus people aren't likely to say "i'll just go see if I can get it cheaper elsewhere" either.

I.e. a drug dealer has a local monopoly on an area and so they can charge high prices.

If drugs were to be sold, the government would probably create zones where they can be sold, i.e. only in city centres, therefore all the shops that sold them would be very near together, and so the prices would be easier to compare therefore, shops have to compete against each other based on price, so there will be lower prices.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by ShawnZ on 03-17-2007 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by saralk
Any deaths that do arise from legal cannabis use will mean the government is under more pressure to do more research into drug use, and also there will be better health care because of increased revenue from taxation.

nobody's died of cannabis. :p
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Jesus on 03-17-2007 at 11:26 AM

Originally posted by ichooselife128
Originally posted by foaly

Yeah well in the Netherlands you can just buy it in a "coffeeshop" and there are several coffeeshops in big city's so the effects you are talking about should already have taken effect...
the netherlands are so lucky....
In a way, yes.
In the city I live in we have 2 coffeeshops (and a few more dealers). Fact is, the coffeeshops make deals about how high the price will be (I've heard them talking about it, next day prices were higher in both coffeeshops).
Also, the quality they provide isn't the best. It has lots of leaves and stuff you don't want in it, we even found a tiny crack rock once:S Some people may be happy with that, but the only drugs I use are THC (marijuana, hash, skuff, etc), alcohol (mmmmmm vodka) and psilocybin/psilocin (Shroooooooms) so I wasn't too pleased.
I'm not saying their weed is complete crap, the quality is high compared to eg. most german weed, but low compared to what I buy in a coffeeshop in another city about 30km from here or at one of the local dealers. I still prefer the last option.
RE: RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by somelauw on 03-17-2007 at 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Jesus
In the city I live in we have 2 coffeeshops (and a few more dealers). Fact is, the coffeeshops make deals about how high the price will be (I've heard them talking about it, next day prices were higher in both coffeeshops).

I don't have economy, but aren't that cartels or is it even more complicated. Can someone explain?

Originally posted by Jesus
Also, the quality they provide isn't the best.
If drugs were illegal the quality would probably be worse. But I think the quality should be checked more often by inspectors.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Jesus on 03-17-2007 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by somelauw

I don't have economy, but aren't that cartels or is it even more complicated. Can someone explain?
Me neither, but even if it is a cartel, who's gonna step up to it? I mean, the fact that weed can be sold in a coffeeshop doesn't make it legal. That's the downside of the "gedoogbeleid". On paper, the coffeeshops don't even officially sell weed so that part of the sales can not be checked at all and thus, they can not be punished if they don't stick to the rules with that part of the sales (as far as rules apply in this matter)

Originally posted by somelauw
If drugs were illegal the quality would probably be worse. But I think the quality should be checked more often by inspectors.
I'm not too sure of that.
Weed in the Netherlands isn't legal, it is "gedoogd", which means it is still illegal, but the police won't act against you if you stay within certain limits. You are allowed to carry 5grams for your own use and you can grow up to 5 plants, also for own use. For the coffeeshop suppliers they make an exception, they are allowed to carry up to 500g at a time. Again, this all isn't legal, it's "gedoogd". And that's only about possession.
Selling weed is something the police will always act upon, except in coffeeshops, where selling weed (only by coffeeshop personell, not customers) is "gedoogd".

So the thing is: professional growing, the stage which is most important to the quality, is already illegal anyway.
Also, if I buy weed in the coffeeshop (gedoogd), the quality is lower than when I buy it at my dealer (illegal).
So the completely illegal way gives me better quality that the "less illegal, but still illegal" way.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by joey on 03-17-2007 at 02:17 PM

Originally posted by ShawnZ

nobody's died of cannabis. :p
actually somebody has, they ate too much pollen and leaves and died!

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-18-2007 at 04:13 AM

I'm sure if you smoke enough of anything you'll die.

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by LoochTheMan on 03-18-2007 at 06:56 AM

After watching the show "Penn & Teller: Bullshit" on legalizing drugs, I see no harm. More people die of cigarrette and alcohal use, there has been no recording in the history of man of a person dying from a clean cannabis overdose. It's the choice of the person who wants to do it.

"Land of the free? Stay the fuck out of my house!" -Penn

RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by linx05 on 03-19-2007 at 02:26 AM

Originally posted by LoochTheMan
After watching the show "Penn & Teller: Bullshit" on legalizing drugs, I see no harm. More people die of cigarrette and alcohal use, there has been no recording in the history of man of a person dying from a clean cannabis overdose. It's the choice of the person who wants to do it.

"Land of the free? Stay the fuck out of my house!" -Penn
Yes! I saw that too. And they interviewed that guy who is one of 8 or so people left in America which are legally allowed to smoke cannabis.
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by dylan! on 03-19-2007 at 02:55 AM

Originally posted by saralk
At the moment, it is really hard to compare prices for drugs, because there are no set prices, and drug dealers don't exactly hang around near each other, plus people aren't likely to say "i'll just go see if I can get it cheaper elsewhere" either.

I.e. a drug dealer has a local monopoly on an area and so they can charge high prices.

wrong =( everybody I know always checks "can I get X amount for X amount of money" and if they say no they find someone else:chrongue: and people do check around to see what other people are selling for... how would they know how much to sell their own for? if they DIDNT they could be underselling wayyy to much compared to what they could make due to how much others are selling for... and I always check up and stuff and ask friends how much it is where they live and stuff8-) and not only can you not always put a SPECIFIC price on it and stuff is because some is better than others so some do sell for a little more or less.

Originally posted by linx05
I'm sure if you smoke enough of anything you'll die.

hmm.. sounds exactly like something I know of thats legal.... Cigarettes... they dont help at all... atleast marijuana helps people with certain diseases and does relieve pain:chrongue:

imo I say legalis the green but not anything else:cheesy:
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Chrono on 03-19-2007 at 03:44 AM

Originally posted by dylan!
wrong =( everybody I know always checks "can I get X amount for X amount of money" and if they say no they find someone else and people do check around to see what other people are selling for... how would they know how much to sell their own for? if they DIDNT they could be underselling wayyy to much compared to what they could make due to how much others are selling for...
Of course the one's who're selling know other's prices, but that wasnt the point :P

Obviously if you know more than one dealer you can compare prices and stuff, but it's harded to buy drugs in some places than others and in those cases, it's a real monopoly, in which he sells at a higher price than if there was a drugs market. Consider your friends (or yourself) lucky if you can compare prices so easily :P
RE: Legalising Drugs..No? by Jesus on 03-19-2007 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ichooselife128
actually somebody has, they ate too much pollen and leaves and died!

I highly doubt it was an actual cannabis death, seeing the fact that you need to take 40000 times the amount you need to get stoned before it's lethal. Anyone who tries to take that much will lose consciousness before even getting close to that amount.

Also, I don't know how high the level of cannabinoid in his blood was, but that amount can get pretty high if you're a regular smoker. Any form of cannabis can be detected up to 3 months after using it, so 6 reefers a day will build up a quite high level of cannabinoids in your blood.