
[lib] setTimeout / setInterval - Printable Version

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[lib] setTimeout / setInterval by the DtTvB on 03-12-2007 at 12:27 PM

This code allows you to set the timer/interval the same way you use in web pages (setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval)..

var setTimeout;
var clearTimeout;
var setInterval;
var clearInterval;
var handleTimer;

function OnEvent_Timer( i ) {
    handleTimer ( i );

// An annonymous function, so it won't disturb any other global variables.
// for example, the currentTimer variable is not accessible from any other
// functions.
(function() {

    var currentTimer = 0; // The current timer ID.
    var timersData = [];  // Keeps all data about the timers...
    handleTimer = function(tid) {
        if (tid.substr(0, 12) == '_dttvb_timer') {
            var itid = (tid.substr(12) - 0); // convert to number.
            if (typeof timersData[itid] != 'undefined') {
                if (timersData[itid][1]) {
                    MsgPlus.AddTimer (tid, timersData[itid][2]);
    setTimeout = function(f, t) {
        var tid = ++currentTimer;
        timersData[tid] = [f, 0, t];
        MsgPlus.AddTimer ('_dttvb_timer' + tid, t);
        return tid;
    setInterval = function(f, t) {
        var tid = ++currentTimer;
        timersData[tid] = [f, 1, t];
        MsgPlus.AddTimer ('_dttvb_timer' + tid, t);
        return tid;

    clearTimeout = function(tid) {
        delete timersData[tid];
    clearInterval = function(tid) {
        delete timersData[tid];


for example,

function foo() {
    // do something
setTimeout (foo, 200);

Note that setTimeout ("foo()", 200); will not work.
The reference to the function should be passed in the first parameter, not string. Eval is evil.