
Is anyone else getting problems with the SPEAKIT script? - Printable Version

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Is anyone else getting problems with the SPEAKIT script? by twin_skin on 03-15-2007 at 03:22 PM

I have been trying to use this script for a while now. and it activates microsoft sam on my side but not on the side of person to whom i'm sending the message. My status is online and so is the other persons? Does the person have to get the script too for it to work?
If not, any ideas on what to do?

RE: Is anyone else getting problems with the SPEAKIT script? by Vilkku on 03-15-2007 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by twin_skin
I have been trying to use this script for a while now. and it activates microsoft sam on my side but not on the side of person to whom i'm sending the message. My status is online and so is the other persons? Does the person have to get the script too for it to work?
If not, any ideas on what to do?

Not having tested the script, I would say that the script only enables it on your end.