
Chat logging no longer groups conversations properly - Printable Version

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Chat logging no longer groups conversations properly by trevaaar on 03-26-2007 at 12:42 AM

Back in the days of Messenger Plus! 3, if you were in the middle of a conversation and closed your window, the logger would still add whatever the person you were talking to says next as part of the same conversation instead of logging the start of a new one. For some reason this stopped in Messenger Plus! Live and it's getting a bit annoying because I often close conversation windows mid-chat (either by accident or deliberately to quickly get back to what I was doing) and it really bloats up my log files.

RE: Chat logging no longer groups conversations properly by Patchou on 04-04-2007 at 06:00 AM

You're right, I have to fix this, thanks for the report.