
Adding a nickname to contacts? - Printable Version

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Adding a nickname to contacts? by Matt` on 03-27-2007 at 03:09 PM


I got a really annoying problem here. I have added nicknames to all my contacts as i never remember anybodys email address and most people its not obvious.

So the nicknames work fine, but from time to time i want to know what their ACTUAL display name is. Please dont say remove the nickname and then put the nickname back on once you have seen it, but is there any addin or a function im missing that can show their display name in the little pop up that comes up when you hover over their name? (Or if somebody could make me that would be great! :D See the pic below for more info:

[Image: msn.png]

As you can see in the pic, i have hovered over Charlotte, but i want it to show her actual display name when i hover over it. So instead of "Charlotte - :) passed my driving test" could the top line show "ACTUAL DISPLAY NAME - :) passed my driving test" (whilst i still have her nickname set)

Can this be done? Im sure it could :)



RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Oxy on 03-27-2007 at 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Matt`
but is there any addin or a function im missing that can show their display name in the little pop up that comes up when you hover over their name

This was a feature in the old plus! when the nick name changing didn't exist then, but now it does, plus no longer needs this feature. Maybe one day the feature will return. whether it's possible in a script is beyond me.
RE: RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Matt` on 03-27-2007 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by .OxY
Originally posted by Matt`
but is there any addin or a function im missing that can show their display name in the little pop up that comes up when you hover over their name

This was a feature in the old plus! when the nick name changing didn't exist then, but now it does, plus no longer needs this feature. Maybe one day the feature will return. whether it's possible in a script is beyond me.

Yeah i know it was a feature in the old plus, thats why its slightly annoying when i was used to it and now i cant see peoples display names without removing their nickname and putting it back again

Thanks for the reply
RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Oxy on 03-27-2007 at 03:47 PM

Now im more awake, one thing you could do is resort back to 7.5 and plus! 3 if there is no other solution.

RE: RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Matt` on 03-27-2007 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by .OxY
Now im more awake, one thing you could do is resort back to 7.5 and plus! 3 if there is no other solution.

Lol its an issue but not as big to make me resort to an earlier issue of messenger and plus
RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Matt` on 03-31-2007 at 03:28 PM

No more replies to this?



RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by deAd on 03-31-2007 at 03:55 PM

Right Click > Messenger Plus! Features > Contact Information

that displays the actual name. Or, what I like to do is open a chat window with them and look at the name in the tab (it's the real name)

RE: RE: Adding a nickname to contacts? by Matt` on 03-31-2007 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by deAd
Right Click > Messenger Plus! Features > Contact Information

that displays the actual name. Or, what I like to do is open a chat window with them and look at the name in the tab (it's the real name)

Cheers, i dont know what you mean about the tab when opening a chat window, but have done the contact information :) It would be great though if somebody could make a plugin for this, probably wouldnt take too long