
HELP: msnmsgr.exe - Bad Image - Printable Version

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HELP: msnmsgr.exe - Bad Image by ColdShot86 on 03-29-2007 at 06:05 PM

Everytime I install the latest version of Messenger Plus! I get the following error:
[Image: BadImage.jpg]
When I press OK, nothing happens, and Plus! won't work, so I just go back and install the old version of Plus!
Is there anyway I can get the new version to work?
Thank you!

RE: HELP: msnmsgr.exe - Bad Image by Rolando on 03-29-2007 at 08:47 PM

Please search the forum before posting.

Click here.

RE: HELP: msnmsgr.exe - Bad Image by ColdShot86 on 03-30-2007 at 06:04 AM

Thanks dude!
And as a suggestion, if you don't want people to ask questions that have been already answered, maybe there should be a stickied index that goes to each answered question rather than expecting people to find their answer on page 20 out of 296 pages in this forum... just a thought, thanks again though