
Some of the scripts did not install properly... - Printable Version

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Some of the scripts did not install properly... by Rozza-C on 04-26-2007 at 08:52 PM

I keep getting this message when I am installing Messenger Plus Live on my computer and any scripts that did "install" don't work.

I have tried re-installing both Windows Live Messenger and Messenger Plus Live! on my computer but I still get that same message when the installation finishes.

I'm running on Windows Vista Home Premium Edition with Windows Live Messenger 8.1 (latest version downloaded from the official website) and version 4.20 of Messenger Plus Live (latest version downloaded from the official website)



RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by MattyRid on 04-26-2007 at 09:15 PM

OK if you go to C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live (or the vista equivalent) can you see a folder called scripts?

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by Rozza-C on 04-27-2007 at 07:32 PM

Hello, sorry I took so long to reply.

Yes I have a scripts folder at:

C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by MattyRid on 04-27-2007 at 10:11 PM

seems as though there is a similar thread going on as well...I suggest trying this post and see if it helps.

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by Rozza-C on 04-27-2007 at 10:22 PM

Thank you Matty. After looking at the topic, the only option I havent tried from going back to WLM 8.0

All I gotta do is find the install file on the internet.

When I next get a chance to look for it, I'll go and download it and install and see if that helps, so expect a post from me sometime soon.

Thanks again.


RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by MicroWay on 04-28-2007 at 01:53 AM

Hello Guys!!!
Thanks to MattyRid for pointing the post.. ;)

Also, I've found this by using the search (click on "search" to see the results)

Just a little explanation: on the post a guy have a problem importing scripts :S
Other people on that posted there, knew antother thread that a idea was suggested: Start -> Run -> regsvr32 jscript.dll (click on Start > Run >>(then write or copy/paste)>> regsvr32 jscript.dll
As I could see, reading the thread (that I pointed here), the problem was solved... Maybe is an another way of solving the problem...

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by Rozza-C on 04-28-2007 at 11:51 AM

[Image: erroro-1.jpg]

That didn't work at all.....
I'm gonna search up the error code like it told me to do and see what I get...


From what I understand from googling my error message and checking a few things on my computer...

It seems that jscript.dll isn't there :S

**EDIT 2**

OK scrap what I just seems I don't have FULL admin powers on my computer....

I need to sort that out... >_>

**EDIT 3 (how many more of these edits am I gonna make?)**

OK, I think I've come to the conclusion that the scripts don't like WLM 8.1. I even went into safe mode and tried re-installing Messenger Plus Live there and I still get that same error message.

Maybe my computer just doesn't like me -_-''

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by MicroWay on 04-30-2007 at 01:20 AM

Sorry, for the time without answer, but I was thinking in one thing...
How the problem started???
Did you have programs like Smiley or other??? Maybe another program / Patch that use used caused the problem???
And, whats the message that appears to you after you clicked the "Import" button, when you try to instal a script???

Another thing: I googled the error code, but as I could see, there is the same number to a lot of problems... so using it would be hard...

On the other thread, the guy solves the problem using the "Run> Start -> Run -> regsvr32 jscript.dll" thing.... :S

EDIT: Also forget to ask: What script(s) do you use or is trying to use???

RE: RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by deAd on 04-30-2007 at 01:27 AM

Originally posted by MicroWay
Another thing: I googled the error code, but as I could see, there is the same number to a lot of problems... so using it would be hard...
that's because that is a standard access violation (sorry, my mistake) "unspecified error" error ;)

Originally posted by MicroWay
On the other thread, the guy solves the problem using the "Run> Start -> Run -> regsvr32 jscript.dll" thing.... :S

not every problem is caused by the same thing, even if it does have the same symptoms :P
RE: RE: RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by MicroWay on 04-30-2007 at 02:28 AM

Originally posted by deAd
Originally posted by MicroWay
On the other thread, the guy solves the problem using the "Run> Start -> Run -> regsvr32 jscript.dll" thing.... :S

not every problem is caused by the same thing, even if it does have the same symptoms :P

Yes, I agree with you.. :S I realy just missed something on this one... thanks for pointing me ;)

Originally posted by deAd
standard access violation error

:S Sorry, but what means that??? :$:$

And getting back to the thread, so you have an idea on how to solve the problem??? :S

RE: Some of the scripts did not install properly... by Rozza-C on 04-30-2007 at 10:43 PM

The scripts that I'm trying to install are the standard ones that come with Messenger Plus Live. Nothing extra. Hence the message "Some of the scripts did not install properly"

I haven't had a chance to try out whether or not its my MSN version thats causing the problem because I have yet to find a download for WLM 8.0

Any links would be a great help.

Also, I just wondered...if anyone has the Messenger Plus Live scripts working in 8.1?

And as for that error message, don't worry. I solved that problem. I needed admin rights to use that command. So I had to open a cmd window in Vista using the "Run as Administrator" option.