
win ? dont get email - Printable Version

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win ? dont get email by roxxorrr on 06-11-2007 at 05:12 PM

first of all thank you for this great contest.
This morning i discovered an xbox in the contest.
i got very excited and started filling in everything that appears in the window.
but when i hit the button, i read something about an error (i thought i had misspelled the confirmation email perhaps) so i clicked, but then it was gone! :- (
i have asked around the live chat and they told me i should most probably get
an email, but i have checked my inbox through the whole day and have not received any mail.
I am worried because of that creepy error message i saw and i have not yet received any email :-(
I am nervous and just wanted to make sure because i dont understand.

thank you very much in advance!

pd: i have checked again the same spot where i found it over and over and it keeps saying nothing here, i can tell staff around what pixels i found it.
my email is, i am also signed in.

RE: win ? dont get email by Matti on 06-11-2007 at 05:25 PM

If you did win the XBox, Patchou can easily check this. As soon as a winning pixel is clicked, the server logs this. So, if Patchou comes online and he can verify your winning, you have nothing to worry about. :)

And by the way: congratulations in advance! :o)

RE: win ? dont get email by Sunshine on 06-11-2007 at 05:34 PM

Originally posted by rules page inside the contest

Every winning entry will be checked manually against server logs before the prizes are shipped. Because a human and not a computer program will check the validity of the entries, be sure that any attempt of foul play will be detected. For that reason, each and every click on the game grid is logged with the associated time, IP address and MSN address of the player. This information will never, ever, be shared with any third party or used for any reason other that validation of a winner's claim.

No email will be sent automatically after the form is filled..
Winners can request to change the information they entered on the winning form by sending an email to the address specified below.

Special inquiries can be sent, in english, to (please don't use this email to ask for general help concerning either the software or the contest).
I think you should send an email to the mentioned address. ;)
RE: win ? dont get email by GioSoul on 06-11-2007 at 05:34 PM

...your winning is surely logged ;)
I post Patchou words about this:

Originally posted by Patchou
All winners are recorded so even if you got an error page after clickign on a spot, it would be saved in the DB and I would contact you about it directly.

The precise error you got is generally caused by a missing cookie.

so, don't worry, and wait ;)

RE: win ? dont get email by Patchou on 06-11-2007 at 09:00 PM

for any question related to this, email

As for this week's Xbox, it's not been won by anybody yet. Remember that I do check the clicks of anybody claiming to have won something and that if you do see the form page, it means that the info was also recorded in the dataqbase so there's no point in pretending :)

RE: win ? dont get email by Rolando on 06-11-2007 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Patchou
for any question related to this, email

As for this week's Xbox, it's not been won by anybody yet. Remember that I do check the clicks of anybody claiming to have won something and that if you do see the form page, it means that the info was also recorded in the dataqbase so there's no point in pretending :)

damn :( can't we both pretend? :P [/spam]
RE: win ? dont get email by Voldemort on 06-11-2007 at 09:04 PM

awww patchou :<

RE: win ? dont get email by roxxorrr on 06-11-2007 at 09:18 PM

I am not pretending.
Mabe there is a flaw?
Ok i am going to say where i clicked since i presume noone will be able to find the xbox i found if i cant.
I clicked right next to the ps3 in the corner down right. A little bit above and left to the "1" wii-button. i cant tell the exact coordinates for sure.

If you could check it, i would be very greatful.

i am VERY sure i saw a page asking for email twice, address, name, cant remember what else.
Damn, i should have done a screen shot : /
I remember i found it funny that it said "Haz" instead of "Has" (its spanish for "you have") in the message stating that i had won an xbox 360

i filled in the data and clicked a button and then something about an error appeared, i think in red. I presumed i had done a typo when writing my email address twice, so i clicked another button for going back but THEN the generic 'aqui no hay nada' ("nothing here") message appeared.

Thats the most accurate way i can describe it right now. If i remember some important detail so that i can convince you that i did not pretend this, or that i was dreaming, i will post again.

RE: win ? dont get email by Voldemort on 06-11-2007 at 09:41 PM

chrono actually made that mistake :p

Originally posted by roxxorrr
I remember i found it funny that it said "Haz" instead of "Has" (its spanish for "you have") in the message stating that i had won an xbox 360
so :p
* Voldemort pokes chrono

or maybe not :p

you sure you didn't win another prize that wasn't a 360?

RE: win ? dont get email by Chrono on 06-11-2007 at 09:45 PM

i just checked the translation and the "haz" instead of "has" mistake IS there, BUT!

$_['won_prize1'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado un Nintendo Wii!";
$_['won_prize2'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado una camiseta y un mousepad del Plus!";
$_['won_prize3'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado un monitor LCD Samsung!";
$_['won_prize4'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado un PlayStation 3!";
$_['won_prize5'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado un Xbox 360 Elite!";
$_['won_prize6'] = "Haz encontrado y ganado una camizeta y un tazón del Plus!";

The mistake is in all the prizes. So he could have won something else 8-) (lol i shouldnt copy paste when translating =P)

RE: win ? dont get email by roxxorrr on 06-11-2007 at 09:56 PM

Well, cant you just check the spot where i am telling you i discovered the xbox ?
I thought you knew where the prizes were located. Just go check it :) I am pretty sure i was not hallucinating :|

I dont think there will be many prices in such a small area? :S

Also, how would i know that all the prices would have that same typo?

RE: win ? dont get email by Chris4 on 06-12-2007 at 03:34 AM

Originally posted by roxxorrr
Well, cant you just check the spot where i am telling you i discovered the xbox ?
I thought you knew where the prizes were located. Just go check it (Smilie) I am pretty sure i was not hallucinating (Smilie)
Like 2 billion people have said already.. send Patchou an e-mail.. :S
RE: win ? dont get email by roxxorrr on 06-12-2007 at 09:39 AM

Already did. Waiting for reply...