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anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 12:01 PM

Does anybody know of any scripts or plugins or whatever that allows limited usage of WLM?
like say something that only lets you use it for an hour a day or something.
I'm in year 12 and doing my HSC and am addicted to it, but cant give it up by myself, i need help urgently, because it's taking over my life.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
thanks :)

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 12:26 PM

Edit: I found a much better script, perfect for your problem.

Auto-Signout made by SpunkyLoveMuff.

Download and import the script. Then you have to go to Script Preferences and edit the script. Enter your e-mail address where the is and save it. Once you sign-in, you will have 60 minutes on WLM. :)

You can see the timer when you open a conversation.

Hope it works! (Y)


The best I can find is Monitor Lock 1.0. When you lock WLM, the monitor turns off. Hopefully that will keep you away from WLM :P

To change the shortcut to lock WLM, go to Plus! > Preferences > Messenger > Messenger Lock...
Then make a shortcut to lock WLM and change the settings to what you like.

Once you've been on WLM for about an hour, do the shortcut to lock WLM and your monitor will turn off which will hopefully not tempt you to go back online :P To unlock, do the shortcut again.

RE: anyone know of... by toddy on 07-17-2007 at 12:31 PM

i guess he/she will be using the comp to do work, so isn't going to be much help chris4.

if you're not using the comp for work, just unplug it and give the power cord to a partner/parent/friends/relative/neighbor.

RE: anyone know of... by joey on 07-17-2007 at 12:34 PM

uninstall? set permissions so you cant re-install it? =p

RE: anyone know of... by toddy on 07-17-2007 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by ICD
uninstall? set permissions so you cant re-install it? =p
then he/she would just use web-messenger newb :tongue:
RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 12:36 PM

Yeah, i'm usually using the computer for research and stuff, and i can't live without WLM, i just need to limit it to a certain amount of time each day.
Thanks for your ideas so far. anymore?

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 12:38 PM

I edited my post above. You like?

RE: anyone know of... by toddy on 07-17-2007 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Chris4
I edited my post above. You like?
or he/she could just get some will power :tongue:
RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 12:47 PM

willpower has never really worked for me
I'd prefer to spend hours looking for scripts :P

...btw it's "he"

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 12:49 PM


But is the script any good? Took me ages while to find it :P

RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 12:54 PM

yeah sorry, i downloaded the script and installed it, and did what it said, put my email where u have to, then i put in 1 minute to see if it works, because i couldnt be bothered waiting a whole hour, and now i have a timer in the middle of my conversation window that currently has "-7 mins" :S

I've probably done something wrong, this is the first time i've downloaded a script.
Thankyou so much for finding that though :D

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 01:02 PM

When I set mine to 60 mins it got stuck at 59 mins.
I tried setting it to 1 minute and it's doing the same as yours...

Hmm, maybe SpunkyLoveMuff will reply when he comes online.

RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 01:04 PM

i just set mine to 60 just after my last post, and now it's on 52 mins
*fingers crossed*

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 01:05 PM

Hope it works (Y):P

RE: anyone know of... by toddy on 07-17-2007 at 01:10 PM

works fine here. however u can sign straight back in

RE: anyone know of... by Chris4 on 07-17-2007 at 01:28 PM

Originally posted by toddy
works fine here. however u can sign straight back in
Yeah, that is a slight problem. :tongue:

Hopefully kazza989 will learn to turn the computer off once he has been signed out. :rolleyes:
RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-17-2007 at 01:34 PM

Yeah that will be a bit of a problem. Preferrably i want something that resricts me from WLM for the rest of the day, but thats ok, at least with this it will remind me when ive been on for an hour and motivate me to get off and do study rather than staying online for hours losing track of time.
However if anyone comes across any scripts that restrict the use of WLM after a certain time, please inform me :)

Thanks again for all of your help (Y) Muchly appreciated!

... now i just need a way to keep me off myspace haha!

*sigh* how pathetic

RE: anyone know of... by joey on 07-17-2007 at 01:49 PM

Originally posted by kazza989
... now i just need a way to keep me off myspace haha!

*sigh* how pathetic
yeah, you really shouldnt use myspace :P

and restain yourself from WLM that might help too, go cold turkey.
RE: anyone know of... by Volv on 07-17-2007 at 02:56 PM

As I just did my HSC last year I can give you the following advice:

You can't rely on programs like these to get you studying, trust me, if you dont have the will power to stop using the computer at your own discretion then you won't, you'll end up just browsing the internet or watching TV etc.

You have to think about what the HSC means to you, depending on your priorites it can be quite important and considering that you're just entering your 3rd term and you're going to be having your Trials in a couple/few weeks you really need to start studying if you have not done so already.

What you need to do is have something which you want to accomplish during your study time in order to motivate you to study. Going in and opening a random page in your workbook really won't help you at all, you need to look at your syllabus (especially for the sciences, other subjects are usually not as straight forward but teachers should have explained more or less exactly what's required) and make sure that you can answer every single dot point there. Don't just 'answer' them in your mind as when I do this I tend to be overconfident and think I understand a concept but when I'm told to write it down I realise that I don't understand it quite as well as I expected.
I'm not sure about which subjects you do but most of the subjects I did (quantitative ones such as Maths 3U & 4U, Physics, Chem, Software Design & Dev) don't require you to memorise things as much as they demand you to understand them - especially the sciences. If you're doing any of these quantitative subjects then you need to understand why something is done in a certain way, simply memorising the formulas or relying on the formula sheets provided is close to useless as you would be extremely fortunate if they gave you a straight forward question which didn't require any thinking.

To be honest, a lot of teachers say you shouldn't attempt previous exams without studying first, whilst it's true I find that attempting previous tests first (especially in maths) is a great way of understanding what type of things are required of you and is great for setting a goal of what level of knowledge is expected from you. Just make sure you save quite a few for after you've studied up as well :p

Uhh yeah, that's just my two cents.
Now just a bit about my experience: To be honest I was in the exact situation as yourself, I had real difficulty getting myself to leave the computer alone and go upstairs and study. The most important thing to me was making the decision on any certain day to go up and at least do something - sure a lot of the time I was just sitting at my desk staring at the wall, but if you set yourself a goal and make yourself DO something (ie. write something) instead of just reading and losing focus after about 2 sentences, then you will definitely learn things and if you can do this for even a few of hours (I found it hard to do more than 3) every day (or at least a few of the days) of the week - which still gives you a decent amount of time to chat on Messenger and watch tv - leading up to the exam then chances are you will be well prepared.
I guess it's really up to you in the end, just remember that you get rewarded for the amount of effort you decide to put in, no more, no less. You know when you're ready to walk into the exam feeling confident and when you need to study more.

Also, remember that after this whole ordeal is over you will have at least FOUR entire MONTHS of holidays before you even need to lift a pen again :p

I was not a model student at school, I sucked at English (the subject), I was performing below (or around) average in all of my 11th grade subjects, and I didn't spend every minute of every day studying as some people do - I still managed to pull my act together and get a 99.05 UAI :D

EDIT: I cant stress this enough: Make sure that you have something to study or it will be the biggest bore and waste of time ever.

EDIT2: If your computer is in your room I seriously suggest that you get it moved to somewhere where you can still use it for assignments/leisure but that it wont be too much of a temptation while you're actually trying to study :p

RE: anyone know of... by toddy on 07-17-2007 at 02:56 PM

myspace sucks

end of

RE: anyone know of... by roflmao456 on 07-17-2007 at 10:12 PM

i made one :cheesy:

edit the variable "minutes" to how many minutes you want =D (currently 60)

it works for individual users (and the timer starts after they sign in or when they import the script :tongue:)

P.S. it doesn't let the same user sign in once their time is finished i guess

RE: anyone know of... by GNSPS on 07-18-2007 at 01:30 AM

I've made a *very very* little edit to make the script so the person that has been "timed-out" can't sign in for the rest of that day...
Sorry for editing the script without telling first Spunky but I changed so little of it that I thought you wouldn't mind... sorry once again for that... :P

Trying to help with the studying... Good luck!

EDIT: edited an error that had to do with the months... it would restrain a person from signing in if they were locked out that same day but exactly a month before... (and it will still do it but just with years and I'm considering you won't sign in just once in a year XP)

RE: anyone know of... by kazza989 on 07-18-2007 at 06:46 AM

Volv .... Wow :|
THANKYOU so much! I am seriously gunna print that and read it everytime i feel like procrastinating on WLM etc
That was the wake up call i needed :) especially with my trials in 5 weeks.
I've been a top student pretty much all my life, and now i'm starting to fall behind and my grades are dropping, i really need to pick my act up.
Thanks again for your support. You have no idea how much it helped :D