
Msg+ for disabled persons - Printable Version

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Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 08-24-2007 at 04:05 PM


I have been advocating for some time about some additional new feature in Msg+ which would allow an old person to play the game as much as a 15 year old one.

My precise matter is:
- when I go and try to launch a conversation, video or not, with my 89 year old mother, she hears a sound, not knowing what it means, and does not see the blinking button.

I then have to start VNC on her micro and open the conversation window there; then, this is OK, she sees it.

My personal wish for a new MSG+ feature:
- allow to specify that the conversation window opens up whenever a conversation offers get in

This is quite on the same track as the existing Msg+ feature which automatically acknoledges on a conversation offer.

Would my wish be so difficult to include in a future Msg+ release?

If I would be pushy, I would add: before my mother gets old.

Thank you in advance for considering this suggestion.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by matty on 08-24-2007 at 04:12 PM

You can simply do this by creating a script.

function OnEvent_ChatWndCreated(oChatWnd) {
    Interop.Call('user32', 'ShowWindow', oChatWnd.Handle, 5);
    Interop.Call('user32', 'SetForegroundWindow', oChatWnd.Handle);

RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 08-24-2007 at 07:29 PM

hello Matty and thank you for your answer.

Well, I am pretty interested into getting this to work.

Thus I copied your code into a something.plsc file.

Then, in Messenger Plus Live, I went into Importing it.

The answer I received form Messenger Plus Live was: You attempted to import a file which does not look to be a valid Messenger Plus Live pack.

Could you, or anyone else, elaborate a little for a newcommer about what I should do to get your code installed.

Thank you in advance for your help.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by aNILEator on 08-25-2007 at 10:35 AM

enter plus preferences -> script preferences section
create new
enter script name
copy code from site
Paste code into scripting window

RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 08-25-2007 at 12:46 PM

hello friends

I want to thank you all, for the code, for installing it, for your kind help.

Yes, it works, I just tested it.

This is great since I will be able to trigger a video conversation with my mother now; others in similar situations will also be able to do so.

Thanks again.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 08-26-2007 at 10:22 AM


I still have a glitch.

In my tests environment, my laptop PC calls up in WiFi my tower PC, where the "window opener" script is installed, and the whole thing works: the conversation window opens on my tower.

In my real environment, my tower PC calls up my mother's PC (where the script is also installed) over Internet:
- her conversation window does not open (bad)
- there, also, the small pop up window down right shows up
- on my conversation window, I get the video images from her webcam (good)

I checked levels:
- MSN = 8.1.0178.00
- Msg+ =
- the "window opener" script installed
on both my tower and my mother pc (both WinXP SP2).

Would anyone see any explanation about this conversation window not opening?

Thank you in advance for your help.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by Patchou on 08-29-2007 at 03:49 PM

could it be a difference of status when testing? different status can cause different behaviours from Messenger.

RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 08-30-2007 at 09:13 AM


I would appreciate if anyone around had the beginning of a clue like what the one Patchou suggests.

Otherwise, my only way will be to reinstall the script, just to see if someting changes, although I believe thie initial install went well and the script showed up active right away; at the time, my mother is away.

Thank you in advance for your kind help.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 09-06-2007 at 10:17 AM


I can't reinstall the script at the time since my mother is away for a while.

I will let you know the end result as soon as possible.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 09-11-2007 at 08:20 AM


I did reinstall the script into my mother's PC, checked wether there could be some nasty added character or so, none are there.

The result remains:
- on my side, the conversation is indeed open: I see / hear what her webcam captures
- on my mother's side, the conversation window does not open

This is nasty since the main benefit of this script to me would precisely be to open this damned window.

Would anyone have:
- some clue to help work this script
- any other solution which would open the conversation window?

Thank you in advance for your help.


RE: Msg+ for disabled persons by francoisch on 09-17-2007 at 07:26 PM


I still need to get my counterpart's window open whenever I trigger a new conversation, as I mentionned it at start.

Could anyone give me a clue to debug the script which was posted here some days ago? my own skills on this subject are close to zero.

As an alternative, would anyone have another solution to accomplish this?

I would like to stress that the need I express here is not only mine but more a need that a lot of folks around here most certainly have, since having an old / disabled person joining easily a video conversation is not very specific.

I would rather see this as a standard feature of WLM or MsgPlus.

Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me out of this.
