
What features are currently missing in Plus! Live? - Printable Version

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What features are currently missing in Plus! Live? by riahc4 on 08-29-2007 at 06:47 PM

Seeing as the old thread is before Live was released, lets update it :)

/clear is still missing although I know that It cannot be implanted due to tech difficulties (and yes I know there is a script that does something similar)

RE: What features are currently missing in Plus! Live? by Menthix on 08-29-2007 at 07:21 PM

Copied from my post in the beta forum

Up to date with

Missing Features
Features i haven't seen come back in MP!L at all (yet).

  • Task Scheduler
  • Enable/Disable "Allow Plus! to send anonymous stats..."
  • Automatically change status after period of inactivity
  • Contact List Docking
  • Truncate Nicknames
  • /clear
  • Triggers (File Sharing)
  • Plugins (completely replaced by scripts)
  • Comeback Messages (became useless because you can now use offline messaging)
  • Custom Names (WLM has it's own rename, although it's less features)

Partially Integrated
Features that don't have all the things that it had in 3.6x (yet). This doesn't have to mean these features are incomplete... Some things that are missing have become useless in WLM.
  • Contact List Clean-Up
      * Missing "View Profile" button
      * Missing "Send e-mail" button
  • Contact on Desktop
      * Rightclick on nick > Messenger Plus! extras > Display on Desktop... doesn't let you choose location like old version did
      * "Copy E-mail to clipboard" missing
  • Boss Protection
      * No more multiple presets
  • Contactlist Plus! menu
      * "Online Help" button (in Plus! menu on contactlist)
  • Contactlist Quickmenu
      * Missing "Show the Event Log Window"
  • Conversation Window Plus! Menu
      * Missing "Disable Personalized Status"
  • Tabbed Chats
      * Missing "Auto-activate chat windows with unread messages"
      * Group/Ungroup keys don't work (F7 and F8 if I recall correct)
  • Personalized Status
      * Auto-responder message formatting
      * Shorten my name when I use a status tag
      * other status then away or busy in presets
  • /ping
      * "Respond to ping? requests" on/off
  • Quick Texts
      * Missing "shortcut sends the text"
  • Word Filtering - ? Replace by new style quick texts ?
      * Not able to filter messages you receive
      * Not able to filter contact names

If you're missing something on the list, or you have a correction, please reply :).
RE: RE: What features are currently missing in Plus! Live? by ahmetgns on 09-02-2007 at 09:03 PM

Originally posted by MenthiX
Copied from my post in the beta forum

Up to date with

Missing Features
Features i haven't seen come back in MP!L at all (yet).
  • Task Scheduler
  • Enable/Disable "Allow Plus! to send anonymous stats..."
  • Automatically change status after period of inactivity
  • Contact List Docking
  • Truncate Nicknames
  • /clear
  • Triggers (File Sharing)
  • Plugins (completely replaced by scripts)
  • Comeback Messages (became useless because you can now use offline messaging)
  • Custom Names (WLM has it's own rename, although it's less features)

Partially Integrated
Features that don't have all the things that it had in 3.6x (yet). This doesn't have to mean these features are incomplete... Some things that are missing have become useless in WLM.
  • Contact List Clean-Up
      * Missing "View Profile" button
      * Missing "Send e-mail" button ahmetgns: Maybe "Send Message" button is enough due to Offline Messaging, but an improvement with the Ctrl key, I mean, a tooltip which says "Keep the Control key pressed to send an e-mail instead of an instant message." would be very nice.
  • Contact on Desktop
      * Rightclick on nick > Messenger Plus! extras > Display on Desktop... doesn't let you choose location like old version did
      * "Copy E-mail to clipboard" missing
  • Boss Protection
      * No more multiple presets
  • Contactlist Plus! menu
      * "Online Help" button (in Plus! menu on contactlist)
  • Contactlist Quickmenu
      * Missing "Show the Event Log Window"
  • Conversation Window Plus! Menu
      * Missing "Disable Personalized Status"
  • Tabbed Chats
      * Missing "Auto-activate chat windows with unread messages"
      * Group/Ungroup keys don't work (F7 and F8 if I recall correct)
  • Personalized Status
      * Auto-responder message formatting
      * Shorten my name when I use a status tag
      * other status then away or busy in presets
  • /ping
      * "Respond to ping? requests" on/off ahmetgns: It is avaliable through registry settings.
  • Quick Texts
      * Missing "shortcut sends the text"
  • Word Filtering - ? Replace by new style quick texts ?
      * Not able to filter messages you receive
      * Not able to filter contact names

If you're missing something on the list, or you have a correction, please reply :).