
Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) - Printable Version

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Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by revolucion09 on 09-12-2007 at 07:17 AM

Hi, i really need to acces to some old conversation I had around november 2004

But the logs are encryped with a .ple extension and I cant seem to be able to open them, decrypt them through the latest version of msg plus. I suppose in that year, msg plus and msn messenger were different from now..

It seems newest msg plus version does not support that kind of logs, but both i and my friend need those conversations..

what can we do???? we know de password, but it does not ask for it. Also we cant even copy and paste, move, or anything...

here an image
[Image: xh7d2tmpmr7.jpg]

PLease help!


RE: Help!! Please hurry! by Patchou on 09-12-2007 at 04:36 PM

can you post the full path of your chat logs directory? also, please post your version of Messenger Plus!. This seem to be a bug and I'd like to fix it.

Also, if possible, can you copy a text file in the directory, try to access it the same way in the log viewer and say if it gets displays or not? and last thing, do you confirm that you have the proper security rights to read these files? (for example, can you copy the file from one directory to another without getting an error in Windows).

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by revolucion09 on 09-13-2007 at 03:08 AM

THank you for trying to help,

actual version is

Saved a random .txt inside the


folder, being F a secondary partition? Have Windows and all in C

The .txt could be seen correctly through Messenger Plus

Remember logs have been encrypted in november 2004 to middle of 2005. and they cannot be moved, copied or anything else!

Hope you can help!


RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by Patchou on 09-14-2007 at 07:35 PM

thank you :).

Can you put an html page in your directory and try to access it the same way? also, would it be possible for you to send me one of your encrypted fiels? yo udont need to send me the password as you said your problem is that you dont even get the password prompt. My email is .

Also, can you tell me if you can open any other encyrpted logs from your logs? (more recent logs).

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by revolucion09 on 09-17-2007 at 02:32 AM

Hi, well..

HTML thing worked fine through the program,
recent logs are not encrypted so they can be seen
But she encrypted the logs and tried, and it worked

(the problem is not mine, my friend has the logs, not me)

The problem is that,
she couldnt attach the logs to the email, as nothing happens, they're like blocked

im starting to think that cannot be solved :(


RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by Patchou on 09-19-2007 at 04:05 AM

well then, this pretty much confirms to me that this is a security problem onm her system. She should ask an administrator to get ownership of the file and change the access authorisations on them. This wont require any kind of password and this will solve her issue :).

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by revolucion09 on 09-19-2007 at 04:17 AM

but the weired thing is that the newer files can be moved, its only with the old ones

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by andrewdodd13 on 09-19-2007 at 10:54 AM

They were possibly created by another user profile on the same computer.

A way to check is to run the cacls program on one of the logs.

You can do this by using the command prompt (start -> run -> "cmd" -> ok) and changing to the correct directory (type F: then cd "F:\Chat Logs\Novembre 2005" or wherever the logs are stored) then typing
cacls <old log name> (eg cacls

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by revolucion09 on 09-23-2007 at 05:47 AM

Thanks for the help guys, will try

RE: Help!! Please hurry! (unable to open encrypted logs) by Patchou on 09-23-2007 at 04:53 PM

Note: in the next version I'll add a specific error message to identify this problem so that we don't have to wonder about its reasons.