
MSN Live Plus keeps disappearing? - Printable Version

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MSN Live Plus keeps disappearing? by Shrukan on 10-26-2007 at 12:26 AM

For some reason or another, after a few weeks, MSN live plus is deleted and replaced with an older MSN. What I mean is this: the left bar on the main window is gone, ALL my MSN contacts that have color, bold, italics, etc. codes in their names don't have their colored, bold, whatever names shown (it appears all in code), MY MSN name appears coded and I can't change it.

Apparently, I keep "losing" MSN live plus every few weeks or so, and then have to end up downloading it again (like I did just moments before writing this).

I'm not sure if its cause of my AVG virus program thing, or its because I use CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) every once in awhile.

Is it my computer, or is something SERIOUSLY getting rid of MSN Live Plus?

RE: MSN Live Plus keeps disappearing? by ahmetgns on 10-26-2007 at 02:12 PM

Have SweetIM and/or SmileyCentral installed? Read this!

I didn't understand what you mean with "left bar on the main window" but try the solution on that thread.

RE: RE: MSN Live Plus keeps disappearing? by Shrukan on 10-27-2007 at 01:19 AM

Originally posted by ahmetgns
Have SweetIM and/or SmileyCentral installed? Read this!

I didn't understand what you mean with "left bar on the main window" but try the solution on that thread.

I meant that same thing. I'm just wondering WHY THE HECK I keep losing MSN live plus!?
RE: MSN Live Plus keeps disappearing? by Eddie on 10-27-2007 at 01:24 AM

Firstly, its Messenger Plus! Live!.
Second...What version of Windows Live Messenger are you using, and also what version of Messenger Plus! Live! Make sure you have the latest version.
Thirdly, When installing, make sure you select to not install sponsor support, because if you do your anti-virus may be removing it because of the sponsor but i cant be 100% sure on that.