
Conversation Logging bug - Printable Version

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Conversation Logging bug by Slazer on 12-25-2007 at 06:48 PM

I've noticed that when someone else starts a conversation with me that their first message isn't logged.

Now I close my conversation windows a lot (pretty much after each message) so I don't know exactly what's going on here.

I sent a message to someone this morning and closed the window. About an hour later she sent me a message back and I replied. My original message and my reply were logged but her message wasn't saved.

This "feature" (bug) has been here for... quite a while now (at the very least since Plus! Live 4.0 I would say).

And since I'm lazy, this is all I'm going to post about it. It doesn't bother me greatly but just thought it should be known.

I'm running, Windows Vista Business 32-bit edition (although I ran XP with Plus! Live 4.0 before when it happened as well). I'm also running the WLM  version 8.5.1302.1018 and now I'm running the newest version of Plus! Live (

RE: Conversation Logging bug by ahmetgns on 12-25-2007 at 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Slazer
It doesn't bother me greatly but just thought it should be known.
Thanks for reporting it but it has been already reported several times. You can search this forum for other threads if you want to see them (There is nothing interesting in them, they are again reports of this bug :))
RE: Conversation Logging bug by Slazer on 12-25-2007 at 07:26 PM

Ahhh, then sorry for taking up your (and anyone elses) time.

RE: Conversation Logging bug by CookieRevised on 12-25-2007 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Slazer
Ahhh, then sorry for taking up your (and anyone elses) time.
Not at all... The more this bug is experienced and reported, the bigger the chance would be that a proper reproduceable method would be found to track this bug down.

although it is a bit better to always search the forums first and to keep the bug reports in the same thread to avoid scattering information. But anyways... Thanks ;)