
[self-split] G15 mod - Printable Version

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[self-split] G15 mod by Phillip on 01-29-2008 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Jimbo
Originally posted by Em3kay
Originally posted by lizard.boy
I love this skin! Does anybody else feel the need to cover everything on their desk in carbon fiber?

It's funny you mention that, I'm layering my G15 with carbon fibre soon.  an example:
I wanna do this to my g15 gaming, where can i buy the right stuff?

I added my original worklog that you can read through. So many people fuck up their keyboards trying to copy my mod.

Part 1 /ignore crappy camera pics

Originally posted by Phillip
Well I didn't know where this goes as it is the case modding forum so bare with me.. Move it if you like. I will tell you now, ignore all spelling mistakes and bad grammar as I've had a few .

The first thing I did was pop all of the keys out. All I used was a small flathead screwdriver and they came out easy.

[Image: 1004990ux5.jpg]

Behind the keys was f**cking disgusting, I'm so glad I cleaned it.

Next I took it all apart. I followed the guide here:

When it gets to the part about the LCD ribbon and the little clip, the little clips just pops up. It does not get removed from the actual keyboard. Removing this will break it and you will not be able to get your LCD working properly without this clip.

Logitech G15 obliterated

[Image: 1004991ks7.jpg]

The next thing removing all the old LEDs from the panels. If you have no idea what your doing start putting the keyboard back together now. I will not post instructions on how to remove and solder new LEDs in.

A picture of the LED boards. Notice it only has 11 LEDs. Not one for each key like some people seem to think. You could have different coloured sections but thats it, not much more you can do.

[Image: 1004995fu2.jpg]

Time to remove and replace

[Image: 1005006az3.jpg]

Wasn't too hard. Took me about 20 minutes all up.

This is important. Make sure you connect the ribbon cable and test it all before putting it together. Too many people either snap the clip or tare the cable while removing and putting together the Keyboard. Its not difficult if you know that it does not have to be removed. It only has to pop up enough for the cable to slide in and out.

[Image: 1005008js1.jpg]

Ok once all screwed together pop all the keys back in and your done.

The keys may seem a little dull but my camera was flat and for some reason it likes to darken photos when its going flat.

[Image: 1005016ho5.jpg]

On Monday I should receive my carbon fiber film that will go over the part of the keyboard I painted black. I actually decided I wanted this after I had painted it so no hard done really.

All up this mod cost me ~$30 in LEDs ( yes they were expensive =[ Australia's fault )

LEDs I used were the 7000mcd 3mm LEDs for $2.95 each at jaycar (Cheaper if you buy more)

2 or 3 keys are still a bit tight but that is because of the paint. A quick scrape around the inside of the square and they free up quite nicely.

Happy to report everything works perfectly. All the buttons are fine, LCD works, mute etc.

Hope you enjoyed my mod =]

Part 2 /ignore crappy camera pics

Originally posted by Phillip
[Image: ddddddtd2.jpg]

Now as you may have noticed the keyboard is black. I originally intended to keep it black but then I ordered some carbon fibre film.

This is where I purchaed the film from.
You should be able to pick it up from certain auto stores. They stock this because wanna be rice burners cover their cars in it but it looks alot better on my keyboard.

If you have had no experience applying decals then look it up on the internet. It is hard work and if you don't do it properly then you will get bubbles all over your keyboard.

Any way after a throwing on the film you end up with|
[Image: ghjkoy3.jpg]

Then you get bored and mix it up a bit
[Image: thisonedy4.jpg]

So you need film: This is where I purchaed the film from.
And LEDs unless you plan on keeping it blue: LEDs I used were the 7000mcd 3mm LEDs. You need a similar mcd otherwise the LEDs will appear dull.
RE: [self-split] G15 mod by Jimbo on 01-29-2008 at 02:40 PM

Woah thanks philip, im gonna definatley give this a go :D
And btw, does the brightness button still work with the red leds?

RE: [self-split] G15 mod by Phillip on 01-29-2008 at 02:48 PM

Sure does =]

RE: [self-split] G15 mod by lizard.boy on 01-30-2008 at 05:23 PM

Man, that is exceptionally well done. It looks like the keyboard was meant to be like that. Which forum did you post that on?