Hide Elements while connecting? - Printable Version
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Hide Elements while connecting? by LuckyMe on 02-29-2008 at 03:41 AM
Hey guys, I was wondering if thereīs a way to hide the elements of logon window, when I press the connect button, just hide them while connecting,
and if connecton is aborted then show the elements again, how to apply this to the links button for example, I just want to see the entire image of that window in that moment, I hope you can give me any ideas, thanks in advance.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by Basilis on 02-29-2008 at 05:54 PM
This cannot be done with skinning since it could not be a boolval or multival option. Those are the two kinds of skinning options. Hope you understand. If it can be done, it could be done only with a script.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by vaccination on 02-29-2008 at 06:38 PM
It couldn't be done at all.
The resources are loaded and applied as soon as the .exe starts, after which they can not be edited or changed without restarting the .exe.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by LuckyMe on 02-29-2008 at 11:38 PM
Ok, I understand guys, i just think it should be nice, anyway, thanks for your answers. Hey iīve seen something that could be useful (only if you can help me) in this situation, well as you can see on your own wlm when the connect button is pressed, the mail an password boxes turn their background to transparent and their foreground to a pale greed, so i was thinking if the "state pale greed" could be changed to transparent color, these items would virtully dissapear (which i am looking for), but I donīt know where is defined this state (so I could replace the greed color to transparent), but all of this could be possible only if the transparent color is able to be set (is it possible?), well Basilis and Vaccination I hope you could guide me since it could be much easier than the other idea,(guess (Smilie)), thanx
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by blessedguy on 03-01-2008 at 03:59 PM
Just edit the 947 style...I've done that...it changes the boxes to anycolor you want when they are not active (cuz you're signing in)
code: CBInput[id=atom(idPasswordInput)]
This is the code that is used in the pic (attachment)
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by LuckyMe on 03-01-2008 at 04:10 PM
Thanx man iīll try then then i tell you if it works
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by Basilis on 03-01-2008 at 07:26 PM
If he does that, then they will not be visible when they are not active. So, when he doesn't write in them, he will not be able to see them, which is not right.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by blessedguy on 03-01-2008 at 07:29 PM
Well...that's the way i found to make something ALMOST like what he wanted...if you've got a better suggestion...tell us
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by Basilis on 03-01-2008 at 07:37 PM
I don't say the opposite. And also, he is the one who will choose if he does it or not. I just said what it will happen.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by blessedguy on 03-01-2008 at 07:42 PM
That will rly happen, that's why I suggest him to use a not totally transparent argb...it will be easier to see...hmm...and it just stays inactive when you can't type...it keeps active if you're using another window...
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by LuckyMe on 03-01-2008 at 08:26 PM
Well guys, here is what iīve done, and it works fine for what I want, as I told you iwanted to hide elements like the mail and pass containers, and also their respective labels when signin button is pressed, so blessedguy gave an idea, so here is what ipve done:
In 947 Style, for example, to hide the idlogonstatus button, I put a "visible:false" status when Idlogonstatus is False, i mean this:
foreground: rgb(255, 255, 255);
Visible:false; <------------------- Here!
And It works Pretty fine, so at clicking signin button it hides,
I did the same with the labels, like this:
Fontface:"MS Shell Dlg 2";
visible:false; <------------------------- Here!
____________________________________ This works fine too!
But I have many doubts on how it works on the mail & pass containers, cause they donīt depend only on the signin button but also on the checkboxes "remember my account" and "remember my password", Look what Iīve done to hide password input:
accdesc:"Escribe tu contraseņa.";
Visible:false; <-------------------------------- Again!
_________________________________________Fine too, but...
When the options to remember pass and e- mail are checked, the pass container is Invisible, not the same with mail container, so the right thing to be clear for the user is that password field has to be "not accesible" but neither invisible, instead it should appear like deactivated, So it works for me and i donīt mind, but I think this fact should be confusing for the final user.
This could be fixed if I define a transparent color for all of these items (instead of make em not visible?), but I donīt know how is it in rgb, cause it must be applied to properties like: foreground (for labels) & bordercolor(for the containers).
I really hope you understand guys, but anyway thanks alot for your help.
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by blessedguy on 03-01-2008 at 08:41 PM
You're welcome!
If I understood the last part...you've just gotta set foreground to a coor that almost vanishes (for dark skins...it would be dark gray for example) and for background you set something with low argb, for ex, argb=(30,255,255,255) then it will stay visible but not accesible...
And...hmm...there is an important thing for you to fix...you should nver use the consoliated windows defs and styles, cuz it will have your language, and other ppl won't be able to understand it...ok?
It has to be fixed or probably it won't go to the database
RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by Basilis on 03-01-2008 at 09:26 PM
This is a general advice. Use the windows files and not the consolidated because your skin will not be easy to use for users of other countries. I say this because I saw some strings of your language which means you used the consolidated files. Keep that in mind.
RE: RE: Hide Elements while connecting? by LuckyMe on 03-01-2008 at 09:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by blessedguy
You're welcome!
If I understood the last part...you've just gotta set foreground to a coor that almost vanishes (for dark skins...it would be dark gray for example) and for background you set something with low argb, for ex, argb=(30,255,255,255) then it will stay visible but not accesible...
And...hmm...there is an important thing for you to fix...you should nver use the consoliated windows defs and styles, cuz it will have your language, and other ppl won't be able to understand it...ok?
It has to be fixed or probably it won't go to the database
Well iīve tried whay you said and it works fine, I do it cause the background I choose for that window has too many variations and it turns confused and disordered, so Iīve decided to remove these items to give a better apreciation to the background.
And Yes youīre right about the defs and styles, Iīll fix that as soon as i can, so thanks again, to you and Basilis for the reps, maybe I need some help again, then Iīll ask for your help again , for now this Issue is fixed, bye friends!