
Incompatibility problem: Mess Plus + Buuf skin + Mess Patch - Printable Version

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Incompatibility problem: Mess Plus + Buuf skin + Mess Patch by caliaa on 07-02-2008 at 08:42 PM

I really like Buuf skin with Mess Plus but somehow that skin blocks Mess Patch. Otherwise, the Patch works fine. Is there a fix for this skin to make it compatible with Mess Patch?


RE: Incompatibility problem: Mess Plus + Buuf skin + Mess Patch by Basilis on 07-02-2008 at 10:11 PM

The skins loads on top of Mess Patch. This means every skin will block Mess Patch so you have to choose between the skin and Mess Patch. I suggest you choose the skin since it has options to hide elements and customize Messenger.

RE: Incompatibility problem: Mess Plus + Buuf skin + Mess Patch by caliaa on 07-02-2008 at 10:15 PM
