
MSN group chat problem - Printable Version

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MSN group chat problem by Imperial on 07-23-2008 at 07:08 PM

So i went to a group chat thing, i used it for a few days with excelent results.
But today it was different, when i joined i would get gateway time out on the members online list, now that doesn't apear anymore exept for the msngroup webpages, still when i type anything it is only viewable on my screen, i can type anything that the message does not get saved on the chat group message history and basicly everyone simply ignores me, i can chat, se other ppl messages, but when i post mine i don't get an awser, none of my messages apear on the other users chat.

what's wrong? i have readded the group, i have tried restarting msn or the pc but my messages still don't get transmited.
is it my problem?

i tried the forums of the msngroup chat, but i get also a gateway timeout.

RE: MSN group chat problem by Imperial on 07-31-2008 at 07:24 PM

Picture, the problem has returned, what's this, i have never seen this before in my life, why does it happen only on msn group chat thing?

[Image: gatewaytimeoutvd7.jpg]