
Suggestion: Incoming files - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Incoming files by Pits on 01-19-2009 at 09:54 AM

Hello, first of all i must say big thanks for this addon which is extremely useful. Now i have a suggestion:

- Why not to implement a directory sorting ( by email ) for incoming files? Since i got autoget feature active and i'm afk often i don't realize if i get a file or even who was the person who sent me. Also a log file for incoming transfers would be nice, but so far i think only a directory  sorting on incoming folder by contact email would be a nice feature to be implemented :)


RE: Suggestion: Incoming files by djdannyp on 01-19-2009 at 10:06 AM

This has been discussed many times before and at present it is a limitation as I believe that Messenger Plus cannot detect where the file transfer has come from in order to put it in folders.

If you search the forums you will find several previous discussions on this topic so you can read more about why it is not currently possible.

As for being away when you get files, the conversation window will remain open, showing who sent you what files, etc.  So when you've been away, check conversation windows before closing them :)

I agree it would be a nice feature though