
Theme Problems - Printable Version

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Theme Problems by DarkangelMarcia on 05-08-2009 at 06:53 PM

Hey guys, it seems that Mensseger Plus! doesn't works very well on my computer.
I love themes and I downloaded a bunch of them, but some of them don't work. And yes, I have the latest version, and yes, Mensseger Plus! it's also the latest version. I noticed that the themes that don't work usually "change" Messenger's window shape, but not always. I would love to know if there's anything i can do to make those themes work. Maybe I have an important update missing, or I need a script, or anything else, but I would apreciate your help.

Thankyou all, DarkangelMarcia.
Sorry for any spelling error, It's 'cause I'm Portuguese..... :D

RE: Theme Problems by djdannyp on 05-08-2009 at 07:50 PM

Which skins did you download?

Check carefully because most skins aren't compatible with the new version