
Windows 7 and Live Previews - Printable Version

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Windows 7 and Live Previews by fubeb on 07-16-2009 at 07:45 AM


I have a sticky dilemma, partly a personal perferences but I have done a good trawl of both these and forums to no avail, so here I am asking

In windows 7, as you may or may not know, puts the tray icon into the taskbar too. With the new Windows 7 Superbar, you will see a DP window (Which is your old tray icon) and also a regular contacts list window and any convo windows you may have. As a result, a workaround that most people employ who don't like this behavior to move that DP back into the tray is to put WLM into Vista or XP Compatibility Mode.

With the release of the MSGPlus at the end of June, Patchou fixed up the Live Previews of tabbed chats (THANKS!). However with the compatibility mode on, the live preview is not present.

Is there a workaround or solution to have the best of both worlds (ie. not have the DP Window, but still have the live previews)

For reference this is the behavior under windows 7:

RE: Windows 7 and Live Previews by tony on 07-16-2009 at 03:19 PM

The only thing you can do right now is not to use compatibility mode.

RE: Windows 7 and Live Previews by ShawnZ on 07-16-2009 at 03:24 PM!E37...81BBDA1!1449.entry

RE: Windows 7 and Live Previews by tony on 07-16-2009 at 06:01 PM

The requested URL /~jkay/messtbhider/setup.exe was not found on this server. :sad:

RE: RE: Windows 7 and Live Previews by fubeb on 07-16-2009 at 06:12 PM

Originally posted by tony
The requested URL /~jkay/messtbhider/setup.exe was not found on this server. :sad:

yeah I found that thread last night, tried the file didnt work (as in the server couldnt find the file)