
wpcap.dll not found - Printable Version

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wpcap.dll not found by lauzie0894 on 08-28-2009 at 03:12 PM

OK, I have recently used GameGain on my computer, which is a program that edits your registry to "make it better".

Ever since, I have had an error window pop up when logging in to messenger that says 'could not find wpcap.dll, try reinstalling the program to fix the problem'.

I have tried reinstalling both messenger plus AND windows live messenger and it still came up.

I then uninstalled messenger plus and logged in fine without the error window, just using windows messenger.

I downloaded plus again and installed it again. The problem still proceeds

Can someone please help?

RE: wpcap.dll not found by prashker on 08-28-2009 at 03:24 PM

Reinstall WinPCap

Also, in the future, try and not use these crappy registry things, there is no reason to make it "better" and things that make it "better" usually give more problems then solutions.

RE: wpcap.dll not found by lauzie0894 on 08-28-2009 at 03:30 PM

thanks for this, i hope it works

and by the way, i restored the settings done by the program but it didnt do anything :S