
Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( - Printable Version

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Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 02:08 AM

K After Install it, I open my Windows Live messenger (Version 2009 Build 14) and it's like I didn't install it, can't see the Plus! features and the colored names and etc, it's like I don't have it at all.

I tried to COMPLETELY uninstalling both Messenger Plus! and Windows Live Messenger, still not working, I also tried to Install the Messenger plus with my Anti-Virus(KasperSky) turned off and still doesn't work I even turned off my Firewall and installed still doesn't work, I tried ti install older version "3" and still got the same problem.

I almost tried EVERYTHING and have nothing left to do.


RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by Chris4 on 03-19-2010 at 02:10 AM

Please read Messenger Plus! Live Disappears after restart.

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 02:15 AM

I have none of these programs :S what should I do now ?

and btw my Messenger plus doesn't appear even before restarting

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by Chris4 on 03-19-2010 at 02:36 AM

Do you get an error during or after the Plus! installation?

It appears you have a program running that is stopping it from installing. I'd check the list carefully and compare it to your Programs list in Control Panel if you haven't already, you may have one installed without knowing. You may even have software incompatible with Plus! that we're not yet aware of.

Check you've recently downloaded and installed the latest version of Windows Live Messenger and Messenger Plus! Live.

You must be running Windows XP, Vista or 7.

If still no luck, you can boot into Safe Mode (with Networking), which will run your computer with only minimal amount of programs. From there you can download and install Plus!, then run WLM. If it works, it means a program in normal Windows is obviously blocking it from installing.

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 02:42 AM

I get no errors during or after installing the Messenger Plus!

and I have the latest Window Live Messenger and the latest Messenger Plus!

I'm also pretty sure from that list of programs and I will try the safe mode solution

I just finished trying the "Safe Mode" solution, and still the same problem, it's like I didn't install anything at all!!!!!!!
RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by Chris4 on 03-19-2010 at 03:35 AM

Follow these instructions carefully to remove WLM completely.

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 05:35 AM

I did ALL that and still got the same problem, I'm running out of options here :(

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by Chris4 on 03-19-2010 at 06:01 AM

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 11:53 AM

The problem is that my computer is new and the Windows is newly installed with all the required updats and Messenger Plus! didn't work the moment I got the computer (it's WinXpSp2 btw) and I used KasperSky to search for viruses and everything and found nothing, so I actually have no point to come back to where messenger plus worked because it didn't work in the first place!

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 11:55 AM

You should try upgrading to XP Service Pack 3 for starters

Also can you show us a screenshot of your Add/Remove Programs as it's possible that there's something interfereing with Messenger Plus! Live that we are as yet unaware of

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 12:25 PM

Screenshot #1 

[Image: 64674510.jpg]

Screenshot #2

[Image: 62446156.jpg]
RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by vip_mi on 03-19-2010 at 02:04 PM

i just thought i'll use the same thread since i have the same problem

I tried the safe mode approach and it worked....but after i log-in the normal mode, msg plus disappeared on me again...
so there must be some software that's blocking it....

is there a quick way to check what is blocking it??


RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 02:49 PM


Try looking in Kaspersky for allowed/blocked programs, or disabled it totally if you can just to rule that out as being the problem

Originally posted by vip_mi
i just thought i'll use the same thread since i have the same problem

I tried the safe mode approach and it worked....but after i log-in the normal mode, msg plus disappeared on me again...
so there must be some software that's blocking it....

is there a quick way to check what is blocking it??


The best way is to check this list:

Messenger Plus! Live Disappears after restart

If you don't have any of the software listed there then it's best to post a screenshot of your programs as the OP has
RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 03:07 PM

I already tried closing the whole anti virus and didn't work, and I also tried adding msnmsgs.exe to exclusions list but still no good. :(

I think it won't work, I gave up

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 05:48 PM

From the looks of your list you don't even have Messenger Plus! Live installed.

Download it from here and try it again

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 06:27 PM

nooooo I have it I just uninstalled it before giving you the screenshot

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 08:10 PM

Did any aspect of Messenger Plus! Live work?

Did the icon show up in the contact list?

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 08:22 PM

Nothing worked and nothing appeared it's like I didn't install it at all!!!

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 08:54 PM

Did you try running it with the anti-virus closed as well as installing it with the AV closed?

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 08:58 PM


RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by djdannyp on 03-19-2010 at 09:11 PM

Did it appear in Add/Remove Programs once you'd installed it?

RE: Problem after Installing Messenger Plus :( by kod2600 on 03-19-2010 at 09:13 PM

Yes it did!