
MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( - Printable Version

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MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by mahirdada on 03-21-2010 at 09:31 PM

Well, when I sign in MSN for the first time when I turn on my computer, it [MSN] always turns off, by itself. Then I need to open msn and sign in again, and it works.

But now, when I do it for the second time the program just blocks or something, and closes down. It still stays in the tray but it doesn't respond and I have to ctrl alt del it to turn it off. Then when I try to click on the icon it doesn't open or anything..

RE: MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by djdannyp on 03-21-2010 at 09:37 PM

Do you have any add-ons for Windows Live Messenger?

What version of Windows are you running?

RE: MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by mahirdada on 03-21-2010 at 09:45 PM

I have MSN plus and the newest version ( I forgot which was it, how do I check?)

RE: MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by djdannyp on 03-21-2010 at 10:02 PM

The software is called Messenger Plus! Live ;)

To check which versions of everything you have, send (!VER) in a conversation and copy and paste the results here :)

RE: MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by mahirdada on 03-21-2010 at 10:10 PM

Well I can't start a conversation..

But I'll get a friend of mine to do it, which I know has a same version.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600)
Windows Live Messenger 14.0.0726
Messenger Plus! Live

RE: MSN closes, cant open it etc. help :( by djdannyp on 03-21-2010 at 10:30 PM

If you uninstall Messenger Plus! Live, does the problem still happen?