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by meyaw60 on 05-04-2010 at 06:02 AM


I am facing a problem with my Windows Live Messenger!!

Suddenly I lost contacts from the contact list...

When I tried to return them back to my contacts, it tells me "We couldn't add …… because your contact list is full. Please remove someone from your contact list first."

I deleted 200 contacts and still unable to re-add the deleted people!!!

Can I have your advice, pleaaaaaaase ?!

I would really really appreciaaaaaaate it !

Many many thanks !

by djdannyp on 05-04-2010 at 07:09 AM

This problem has been experienced quite a few times in the past, it's normally related to strange server bugs, just give it a few days and you should be able to add the contact normally again....or try asking them to add you.

by meyaw60 on 05-04-2010 at 12:47 PM

Great thanks for your response ...

I'll try to do it..

Thaaaaaaaanx  (Y):)