So, an executive summary? - Printable Version
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So, an executive summary? by Adeptus on 02-13-2011 at 05:12 AM
I admit I have not been paying as close attention as some might have, but I am truly confused.
I have read many comments that imply there is a new site and new forums somewhere. I have no idea where, nor do I have any idea what the official cutoff date is. This forum appears still active. One might conclude that the switch has something to do with the release of Messenger Plus! 5.
Tonight, I was looking at http://www.msgplus.net/, which appears to offer downloads of Messenger Plus! 5 (mighty proud that it is "free", I might add) and that site still links back to this one for the forums.
So, if someone would be as kind as to summarize what exactly is happening in regard to the future of this forum, as it is hosted at this URL, that would be appreciated. The PR department of Yuna software seems to have failed getting the message across, at least in this one case. Thanks.
RE: So, an executive summary? by Hank on 02-13-2011 at 05:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Adeptus
So, if someone would be as kind as to summarize what exactly is happening in regard to the future of this forum, as it is hosted at this URL, that would be appreciated. The PR department of Yuna software seems to have failed getting the message across, at least in this one case. Thanks. 
im glad you said it and not me but do Yuna listen? NO this is why messengerpluss will die either that or the community
RE: So, an executive summary? by Arcticwolfx on 02-13-2011 at 06:10 AM
Who let the Alias out? 
The domains have been changed recently.
Currently, here's how it is officially set:
This is the main homepage of "Messenger Plus!"
All older addresses should link back to that site.
This is the forum for "Messenger Plus!"
There has indeed been talk of a new Forum becoming active, but by the time that is ready to be used widely, we can expect it to be announced on either the Homepage and/or the Announcements section of this forum, as well as the current URL linking to that new forum.
Note: I have read somewhere on the boards that the database of at least the users will be copied over.
RE: So, an executive summary? by prashker on 02-13-2011 at 06:12 AM
If I recall, data will be migrated to the new forum (part of the CMS they're using for the MP!L site).
RE: So, an executive summary? by Menthix on 02-13-2011 at 10:18 AM
Initially the plan was to have the new forum (which will be integrate with the rest of msgplus.net) available together with Plus! 5 and the new site. But the forum has been delayed and will come later, until then it's still msghelp.
All accounts/posts/PMs/rep/etc will be carried over. Consider it just a change of underlying software.