- Languages: All posts should be written in English. If you post in a different language, please provide an English translation.
- Advertising: Advertisements and promotions are not allowed, unless they are:
- useful to a member who needs help.
- Respect: Always treat other people with respect, even if you disagree with them. Debates are fine, but ad hominem attacks are not. Avoid making derogatory comments and flaming. Also respect the privacy of others, and don't share their personal information without permission.
- Trolling: A troll is someone who repeatedly and intentionally tries to disrupt, cause controversy, or incite an argument. Don't be a troll.
- Swearing: Some profanity is allowed here, but don't use it excessively or direct it at another member.
- Text Style: Messages should be typed and formatted in a way that others can read and understand. Usage of ALL CAPITALS, aLtErNaTe capitalization, poor spelling/grammar, and ugly fonts is discouraged.
- Illegal or Inappropriate Content: You may not post illegal things, or content that is not safe for work. This includes, but is not limited to:
- warez, and other illegally-distributed software.
- hacking tools, virusus and malware.
- pornography and nudity.
- Images: Large images can affect the layout of forum pages. Images displayed in posts should be less than 700 pixels wide.
- Avatars & Signatures:
- Maximum avatar width: 150 pixels.
- Maximum signature dimensions: 590 pixels wide, 125 pixels high.
- Maximum file size for avatar images and total signature images: 100 KiB.
- Images must work, and must load reasonably fast.
- Abuse: Do not abuse features of the site (such as BBCode) to do malicious or really annoying things.
- Corrective Action: If you do not follow the rules, we have the right to edit and/or delete your posts and account, or deny your access to this site. If you are banned, you may not bypass the ban by logging in to another account, and you may not post messages to any part of the site.
While we attempt to edit or remove any messages that are against these rules or the law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this site. For this reason, you acknowledge that all messages posted on this site express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of the Shoutbox staff. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.
Note that any data provided to this site, including your IP address, could be logged or stored in a database. Private information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. However, we cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which this data is compromised.
If you are not sure if something is against the rules, please contact us.