Originally posted by warmth
I love that my idea just made such impact... I hope someday I could see some script doing all I said and maybe more...
btw I was a user of the World cup script and I talked to alex at that days to modify it to convert it to a general livescore script and I have mode very so much test with him trying to get scores from some free rss feeds of live soccer scores... but at the end nothing came up...
Hey, Im no scripting Wizard, But thats a great idea, Using RSS feeds.
Im sure you could use a parameter to Find the score of your team you want and Put it into your name. But then again i cant script.
I'm going to learn though.
edit : Here goes nothing, This
will not work but Couldnt you use something like:
onEvent {usersearch} *search RSS For team* then add to name
Something like that I know the * is not a command But i have no idea how to script.