Yep, it is still out there and it still works; it saves the status you had the last time you've chenged it and it will be restored to that as soon as you reconnect....
But the problem is, when you are disconnected (for longer then 1 minute), nor Messenger, nor Plus! will reconnect you. So in that case, even if the StatusSaver has saved your status, you wont be reconnected...
Originally posted by CookieRevised
DJMystic created a plugin for Messenger Plus! called StatusSaver.
It saves whatever status you're in. So, whenever you restart messenger your online status is changed in an instant to the saved one; Your contacts will still see you coming online, but in a flash your status is changed to your last used status.
If you want it to startup with the same status each time regardless of how you left it the last time then make the file "Oldstatus.dat", which you'll find in your plugins-folder, read-only after you've changed to the status of your choice.
It needs Messenger Plus! to work.
You can download it here:
(simply put the dll into your plugins folder)
PS: What ISP is that? I know most ISP's in Belgium and I didn't heared of that before? dodgy ISP for requiring that