Originally posted by Supersonicdarky
you should develop the plugin to also alow you to change status and dp remotely. Maybe even sign out...
I wouldn't go that far as there is already a plugin which does all that (and more), see below. Of course, more plugins is more choice, but you also don't need to re-invent the wheel, unless you invent a nice shining golden super round wheel of course
On the other hand, some added easy to implement basic function couldn't hurt I guess. But in that case he should rewrite the plugin so it only uses 1 command to do all what you can do in Plus! already.
In other words, it simply outputs in the conversation what you said it must. This makes that you can change your name remotely, change status, and even execute whatever other Plus! command or installed plugin command you like (or even simply send some text).
plugin command: /xremote
/xremote /nick my remotely changed nick
/xremote Hello?... Shit.... I'm talking to myself
/xremote /away
/xremote /persostat 2
/xremote /sound HubbaHubba
/xremote /x
so no need for all kinds of special commands, just 1 command which simply outputs in its own convo window what you enter as parameter....
Of course, the whitelist protection must be absolutely perfectly be implemented for this without the smallest bug! Otherwise you would have some security issues...
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
Shortcut Plugin Beta 0.5.01 Lets you do this..
It's not it's main target, but it features remote access to your MSN, so you can control your MSN Messenger at home from anywhere in the world using the Telnet client...
It lets you control almost anything possible with Messengers, but it does not let you see your contact list and messages recieved.. But sending messages, changing status, logging in.. Etc.. Can all be done by this plugin...