Originally posted by roflmao456
if you have Stuffplug 3 for wlm (and actiontext feature on) then possibly you could try something..
You can't do it because you are not allowed to make an emoticon for the beginning of the message. Also to have colouring the contact would need Plus! as well (I think you can send formatted text). Unless you can work out how to block outgoing received message responses in relation to particular contacts then I think it will be almost impossible to do this (this requires VERY high understanding of messenger protocol and understanding of how to manipulate protocol though our own code which is hooked to the client - not easy stuff, even for an advanced programmer).
You can reproduce something that may look a little similar but that is as close as you will get at this stage.
Also, I know from my personal use, if I get that message I usually resend the message until it is sent or may report this irregularity on a forum such as this to try and grasp the reasoning behind it. I think you are just better to use the good old block feature