The bug happens because for some reason a copy of the file is made (and named xxxx
(2).dll... a third copy would be named xxxx
(3).dll). But apparently in doing so, the copy got corrupted and couldn't be loaded.
Why a copy is made is probably because the original file was in use (locked) and thus couldn't be changed.
Why it needs changing beats me (since changes in
files are done in memory by Plus! and not physically on disk, IIRC), unless it has something todo with flushing file cache back to disk or whatever.
Since the copy, which Messenger tries to load, got corrupted Messenger doesn't start anymore...
It sounds like a strange (rare) bug happening because of some caching, data corruption prevention of Windows, or even some strange bug in a Windows API or whatever.... (and because of all that, it sounds interesting to know what exactly causes it