Sorry about the tread title, when I typed it i thought "some1's gonna say somethin...... ah well"

Anyway, I've changed it to "MSN Fanatic's getting touchy!"
It's not that the fact they think we're stupid over it, its the way they think we can't get over ourselves, we ask one simple thing. Call the product you like so much that you download it, probably say "Patchou Is God" and register so ask for help so you can make it even better thanks to this community, by its correct name! Not much to ask
Does beg the question though, why did Patch name it "Messenger Plus!" instead of "MSN Plus!" or "MSN Plus" because this would surly create some problems
wtf, that dude has some language problems! oh, and he likes! exclamation signs!
Btw Noroom, er, no he doesn't, its jus the expelnation he was giving needed to have the !'s in them places.