Sorry, but not for me
. Please see if you can help me
Whenever I try to send a shot with delay, or to open the options menu, it gives me a bunch of erros (please forgive me if the errors spelling is not correct, but i'm running the spanish version):
(Error '13' en tiempo de ejecución: No coinciden los tipos) Error '13' on runtime: Types don't match
(Error '440' en tiempo de ejecución: Error de Automatizacion) Error '440' on runtime: Automatization error
And then (please hang at your chairs):
(Error '-2147418105 (80010007)' en tiempo de ejecucion: Error definido por la aplicacion o el objeto) Error '-2147418105 (80010007)' on runtime: Error defined by the aplication or object
After that, the ss3 commands are no longer recognized and seems to 'unload' the pluggin.
I'm running DnD Dice roller and HandWriting pluggin also installed, and I used to have MSSpeech, but it misteriuosly dessapeared
Here is some System info:
Winxp sp1
AMD AthlonXp 1500+ 1.34 GHz
512 Mb RAM
Sygate Personal firewall
BitDefender antivirus
msnMessenger 6.2