RE: RE: RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
quote:Originally posted by sock
quote:Originally posted by jpg050
A new Spanish mirror, let's see if this one allows direct linking
(Sock, would you mind to try it and add it to your list ? )
Thnak you About the name change of the address... it's all about enterprises splitting up and joining again... today it redirects to telefonica.terra and tomorrow no one knows... I'll tell you if something changes.
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RE: RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
quote:Originally posted by Terre
Are there ideas about adding a invisible mode to the program? I think it's something a lot of users asked for.
If you mean that users can install Plus! without noticing you're using it (like: no Plus! Menu). No, this will NEVER be added... Plus! is not intended to be spyware or a keylogger, so don't even think of using it for that purpose.
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RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
great job patchou!
why does it say Messenger Plus Credits by the close button on the easter egg? is this something to come in the public version? I won't ask about the tampax...
If you want to spy on people then write it yourself - some people like patchou respect people's privacy
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RE: RE: NEW VERSION (february 2003) - download now!
quote:Originally posted by fluffy_lobster
why does it say Messenger Plus Credits by the close button on the easter egg? is this something to come in the public version?
I think the easter egg IS the credits...
quote:Originally posted by Patchou
Added a very simple easter egg... just some kind of credits. I wanted that for a long time .
I think you're the BEST! You've done some gr8 work!!!!
I've told a lot of friends in holland to use your software and they are all very excited.. MSGPLUS is really really cool!