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OpenConvo PLUGIN SOLUTION - Update: (fix) for MSN 7
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The dodgiest member


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O.P. Dodgy  OpenConvo PLUGIN SOLUTION - Update: (fix) for MSN 7
EDIT: April 14/ 05

Solution for MSN 7.0.0777

follow these directions if my previous openconvo solution did not work for you.


* For more info on HOW RELIABLE open conversation notifiers are NOW WITH
MSN 7, please search the forums :wink: there is lots of info.
i would like to say that THEY ARE reliable, because they DO notify everytime the conversation window is open, BUT they also give extra "false" notifications from time to time.

read cookie's reply to openconvo notifiers here:



I saw in a few threads, and received a couple of pms from people having trouble getting Openconvo to work for them with msn 7. In most situations they were getting either no error message or this error:
Unexpected Error 401 (Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed)

In all cases Openconvo did NOT show any notifications.

I successfully (A) recreated this error, and no error on two computers, and cuz I’m stubborn I found a fix!! Yay!! :cheesy:

OK, here it is. It WILL work. :tongue:

1. First of all, uninstall Plus! with all the plugins. Make sure you uninstall Plus! and all the plugins such as stuffplug-ng (using add/remove program).
you do not have to uninstall the preferences.

2. Run this installer -> http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/libraryfiles.exe

Than go to:
Start > Run > regsvr32 "c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx"

press ok

reboot the computer

Once your logged on again on windows go to step 3

3. Restart the computer and enter safe-mode with networking. :P

4. Once in safemode check to make sure that the Plus! folder is deleted in your Program Files.

if you previously had Openconvo installed, and had a problem deleting it (because it was running in the background) than chances are the Plus! folder is still there with it -> Delete it.

5. Now install Plus!

6. Install Openconvo which you can find here in the original openConvo thread or here direct link to the installer

Start up MSN, make sure that in Plus >preferences> plugins > you allowed plugins to load with Plus! and that the BOX BESIDE openConvo is CHECKED.
(if it was not DO SO and restart msn)

7. a configuration panel will pop up asking you to configure the settings, do so.

8. Exit MSN, reboot the computer normally.

9. Now run msn, - MAKE SURE THAT, you allow openconvo access to the internet.

You should be getting notifications.

:-/ if you are not getting them, and you FOLLOWED the instructions completely. than please let me know. i will most likely shoot myself.

10.anyway, once MSN is running - you can install other plugins (such as stuffplug for instance) this way you won't have any interference with openConvo... (just make sure that the boxes beside the installed plugins are checked, if not do it and restart msn)

i dunno, two out of three times when not running msn while installing other plugins, i had problems with openconvo notifications :-/

11. Done.


Old solution may work for some :-/:
ok... i've been lurking around these posts for some time and found some good plugins on here... one of them being "openconvo" Get the Plugin HERE from this original Wouter thread

... BUT i had a heck of a lot of problems getting it to work.
FINALLY last night i had a revelation. or rather after many trial/error.... ^o) .... .. rip out hair and run around in a circle madness.. :@.. ANYWAY... |-) i found a SOULUTION to all problems YEP! i did. 8-|
here is what you can do to get it to work if you already didnt.

* Note: i am only using StuffPlug NG, and openconvo... if you have other plugins i cannot guarantee that this will work... although it really might... eitherway just follow my directions. (i have poor communication skills so if you dont understand something email me and i'll explain it.. or just post here.)

----- go to bottom of page for quick theory/explanation..... thingy...

1. go to "program files" or wherever you installed MSNGPLUS.. and remove/delete stuffplug NG or other stuff from the "plugins" folder in MSNGPLUS.

    * NOTE that you don't have to remove the "stuffplug-NG" folder itself just the extras that are floating in the "plugins" folder. (so with stuffplug NG for instance the "stuffplug-ng.dll file etc.)

    * yes you will need to reinstall the "StuffPlug NG"/ or other plugins after... but if you leave the folder alone your configuration settings should be intact.

2. make sure that you have all the .ocx files etc. BEFORE installing the openConvo plugin. they all need to be registered.

    * to see what you are missing simply install the openConvo plugin, run msn messenger and write down on a piece of paper whatever it tells you it's missing. (it should pop up.. that u are missing this or that so the program cannot run)
    * if you are not missing anything, than WOOHOO for you ... yes openConvo should be working. - make sure to follow Wouter's directions in the configuration menu.. so that ... you actually get popups.

3. IF you were missing something/ or the plugin is not working right than exit MSN messenger, and go to the MSNGPLUS "plugins" folder. there remove MANUALLY anything new that was installed by openCOnvo.

4. Find the missing files on the web... its a good idea to go to the original OpenConvo thread and you can find a link to the files there (on pgs. 13-16 if i'm not mistaken) here is a link to that thread though .. and here is the link to the installer for missing files i used (posted originally by E-Vix)


5. install and REGISTER the files. and than RESTART your computer. even if you used the installer...  follow CookieRevised's directions (also found on original thread) - specifically about comdlg32.ocx but .. follow thru for any missing files... (cookie's link is not working i think so if u click it .. not my fault its not there...)

Originally posted by CookieRevised
If you read the thread you'll find your answer....

comdlg32.ocx is a needed component for this plugin. It's needed because this plugin is written in VB.

You can find the file on the net or download the zip with the file in it here:

Unzip that file, and place comdlg32.ocx in your system32 directory (useually c:\windows\system32\).

Register the file:
Start > Run > now type in: regsvr32 "c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx" and press ok

Reboot the PC

6. reinstall the OpenConvo plugin and it should be working... if its not than sorry I cannot help you.

    * if it is working than follow the configuration directions in the pop-up menu so that you actually get popup notifications.
    * reinstall other plugins AFTER YOU ALREADY installed the openconvo one...

there u go :o)

- (A) oh yeah... personally i think that the openconvo plugin has some sort of compatability issue with the stuffplug ng when it installs... so technically just install it before you install the stuffplug ng... worked for me.. i tested it ... too much.. and yeah it worked... lol... 8-|

- OH YEAH... openconvo and other open conversation notifications only work with msn messengers earlier than the beta 7 one... read somewhere why.. i dont feel like making this post longer...

This post was edited on 04-15-2005 at 12:46 AM by Joa.
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02-10-2005 10:53 PM
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A lot of people use stuffplug ng, and I don't think its very useful, as Openconvo has errors, it detects when there is a connection made between you and another user of msn messenger that is on your contact list. This connection is also made when somebody changes their display picture or name, so when this happens, it detects the connection, so Openconvo detects that somebody has opened the conversation even if they haven't... Its not fully reliable...

There is no real point in deleted stuffplug-ng.dll as that would stop Stuffplug from working completely...

Why do you think that Stuffplug NG Lost the 'Open Convo' feature?
02-11-2005 12:18 PM
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The dodgiest member


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traxor - .. yep deleting the dll would stop stuffplug NG from working... BUT that is why i said... reinstal it...

and i agree... i found that all the open convo notifiers are not 100% reliable... but meh... out of all that i tried, i find that wouter's openconvo plugin is most reliable... i did some testing with it. one other feature in it that i am not sure if .. it was directly intended is that it actually notifies you when somebody blocks you and opens your conversation window. (you get a opened window/ closed window notification at the same exact time when that is the case)

EDIT:Block checkers don't work anymore with msn 7

... .. ugh i'm so nerdy... making my friends put up with my tests... ah well...  i am what i am :)

*you dont have to delete the "stuffplug" folder that is created during the instalation just the dll and other "junk" (which is in the msngplus "plugin" folder itself) so u'r settings should still be intact...

This post was edited on 04-17-2005 at 02:05 AM by Joa.
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02-11-2005 03:08 PM
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Originally posted by Z_Joanna_ZZZ
traxor - .. yep deleting the dll would stop stuffplug NG from working... BUT that is why i said... reinstal it...

and i agree... i found that all the open convo notifiers are not 100% reliable... but meh... out of all that i tried, i find that wouter's openconvo plugin is most reliable... i did some testing with it. one other feature in it that i am not sure if .. it was directly intended is that it actually notifies you when somebody blocks you and opens your conversation window. (you get a opened window/ closed window notification at the same exact time when that is the case)

... .. ugh i'm so nerdy... making my friends put up with my tests... ah well...  i am what i am :)

*you dont have to delete the "stuffplug" folder that is created during the instalation just the dll and other "junk" (which is in the msngplus "plugin" folder itself) so u'r settings should still be intact...

Settings are in registry :P
only stuff that's in the folder is data,
in SPNG1 it's mostly talkers, in SPNG2 it has the language files, UI files, and talkers :P
[Image: theblasp.png]
02-11-2005 03:12 PM
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Z_Joanna_ZZZ there won't be any reliable open convo notifier plugins out there. As msn 7 opens invisible convo windows to get contacts dp's so the plugins will think that the contact has opened a convo window with you thus they are useless.
02-11-2005 03:13 PM
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O.P. Roll Eyes  RE: ~~OpenConvo PLUGIN SOLUTION~~
TheBlasphemer - :$ (i'm an amateur)

eitherway what i did worked for me and for my friends too :) 8-|

Carltos Cool - yeah i know (well now literally why) .. .. thats why i'm thinkin of stickin with msn 6.2 for the rest of my life :( ... i need to know who opens my convo...*-)  (A)

This post was edited on 02-11-2005 at 03:25 PM by Joa.
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02-11-2005 03:19 PM
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Originally posted by traxor
A lot of people use stuffplug ng, and I don't think its very useful, as Openconvo has errors
It does NOT have errors!

Originally posted by traxor
it detects when there is a connection made between you and another user of msn messenger that is on your contact list. This connection is also made when somebody changes their display picture or name, so when this happens, it detects the connection, so Openconvo detects that somebody has opened the conversation even if they haven't... Its not fully reliable...
totaly wrong.

What you are hinting at is the new way of msn messenger 7 of requesting the DP of everyone on your list. In other words when the request goes out from your contact's messenger 7 to catch your DP. This is totaly something else then when the contact changes his DP or name.

In other words Openconvo (and any other notifier) will NOT react on such events (contacts changing DP and name).

Furthermore, OpenConvo should by no means be handled as something downgraded from StuffPlugNG. In fact Openconvo still has the upperhand (in GUI and options) in the ability to notify you when someone opens/closes a convo with you.

The ONLY difference between OpenConvo and StuffPlug was in the way they showed the notices; they worked EXACTLY the same (because it is the protocol that provides the info (the IRO and BYE messages)).

The ONLY reason that TB has discarded the function is because of the above reason with msn messenger 7, but not because of your explanation (because that's wrong). But in fact, you can very clearly see with Openconvo (when you use it with msn messenger 6.x) when the notification is because of opening/closing a chatwindow or because of your contacts' msn messenger 7 beheviour.

In fact, a very nice side effect of the new msn messenger 7 beheviour is when I'm running Openconvo here with msn messenger 6.2, I can see by its notifications who's using msn messenger 6.2 and who's using msn messenger 7!!!! You can't know this with any other plugin/tool/way/whatever!!!!

Originally posted by traxor
There is no real point in deleted stuffplug-ng.dll as that would stop Stuffplug from working completely...
The point is/was to install Openconvo. StuffPlugNG can/must again be installed afterwards.

Originally posted by traxor
Why do you think that Stuffplug NG Lost the 'Open Convo' feature?
Not because of the reason you gave (although you meant it right, that isn't what is happening) ;)

Originally posted by Carltos Cool
Z_Joanna_ZZZ there won't be any reliable open convo notifier plugins out there. As msn 7 opens invisible convo windows to get contacts dp's so the plugins will think that the contact has opened a convo window with you thus they are useless.
Wrong, It is still 100% reliable when you use it with msn messenger 6.2 and when you know how to use it (interpret the notifications).

Edit in reply to the post below: sorry, I indeed misinterpreted your post also.

Ps: And all the people that say that OpenConvo even doesn't work with them, simply didn't read the installation instructions (like pointed out in the toppost: installing/registering the needed files AND NOT removing/disabling Windows Messenger in a bad way).

This post was edited on 02-11-2005 at 07:03 PM by CookieRevised.
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02-11-2005 03:35 PM
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Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by CarltosCool
Z_Joanna_ZZZ there won't be any reliable open convo notifier plugins out there. As msn 7 opens invisible convo windows to get contacts dp's so the plugins will think that the contact has opened a convo window with you thus they are useless.
Wrong, It is still 100% reliable when you use it with msn messenger 6.2 and when you know how to use it (interpret the notifications).

I knew this Cookie although I was just talking about it not being reilable at all with Msn 7. I should make my posts more clear in future. :(
02-11-2005 03:41 PM
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I encountered an error also in the Conversation Opener Notifier last night.  For some reason I kept getting the pop up toast notifying me about it, and it would not go away, they kept coming up, for about 3 minutes.  I had to sign offline and then sign back on, and the problem was fixed. 
02-11-2005 07:24 PM
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Originally posted by Carltos Cool
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by CarltosCool
Z_Joanna_ZZZ there won't be any reliable open convo notifier plugins out there. As msn 7 opens invisible convo windows to get contacts dp's so the plugins will think that the contact has opened a convo window with you thus they are useless.
Wrong, It is still 100% reliable when you use it with msn messenger 6.2 and when you know how to use it (interpret the notifications).

I knew this Cookie although I was just talking about it not being reilable at all with Msn 7. I should make my posts more clear in future. :(
I'm unsure how to put this...

But the opened convo notifier is less realiable now :undecided:
I have a friend who has installed MSN Messenger 7.0 while I'm still using MSN Messenger 6.2 (I'm waiting for the full version of 7.0 :p).
And almost every time, I sign in, I get notifier that he opens a convo and I know that he is not in front the computer for sure, because his room is exactly next to my room :p

Ow, I am using StuffPlug NG 0.7
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02-12-2005 10:15 AM
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