Originally posted by lpblink88
I am desperate for help
About a week ago on msn, I clicked that thing about play a sound when contacts sign in or sign out. I picked that ringing noise that sounds like a telephone. But it kept ringing all the time. Even when no one signed in or out. So I went back and unchecked the box. But now it rings all the time, even when I'm not signed into msn and it annoys me so much. If I'm listening to music, suddenly it rings in the middle of the song. It annoys my whole family.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on what to do please tell me! Thanks so much!
if ur problem is not fixed by the above advices then it may be some problem in yr woindows sound scheme..... turn it to windows default...
control panel> sound and audio devices> sounds >sound schemes> windows default> ok.... then check again.... if this works or .......
edit: also check ur problem without msgplus! by quitting it from task manager... does the problem fixed... ????if yes then it would be problem with msgplus!....